Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was a normal day when it happened, everything was the same as always. My brother of 5 years of age went to school, i went to my high school, and my mom and dad went to work. It was 6:00 am when i wake up to say goodbye to my dad, as he had to travel an hour away from home to go to work. I ate my cereal with a fork as usual, brushed my teeth, then here is the hard part. Getting ready. I put on my usual natural make up for school and before i leave my room with my skinny carmel latte in hand i say good bye to the boys(i am a dedicated directioner). I am just walking out the door when my mom and brother yell to me



and I was off. Once i got into the parking lot of my school I felt like something fishy was going on. But none the less I walked in to find a girl with this huge gash on her arm and my best friend Sydney comes running up to me

"Abby!! Something weird is going on!!!" Some kid is going crazy and running around biting people!! We Think her might be on drugs!!"

I looked at her with my eyes wide in fear.

"Sydney...we need to leave...NOW!!!"

"why what is going on?!?!"


she hops in, as she is bucklilng her seat belt I quickly go in reverse and speed away.


"An apocalypse is happening, those people that were bitten are going to go crazy just like the one kid"


"Sydney, this is a Zombie Apocalypse."

She goes silent in fear.

"What are we going to do?" she asks innocently

"We are going to check and see if my mom and borther are ohk first, my dad is a goner. He went to the cities this morning so he is done for."

She stares at me with hatred.

"Your not even going to try?!?!?!"

"Sydney!!! We don't have time for this!!! Our lives are in our hands now!!!"

We pull up to my house and my mom bursts out right away, already looking gruesome, she is definitely a zombie now. She doesn't notice us in the car so I tell Sydney to stay quite. I see her chasing my brother and has just bitten him. Tears start to blur my vision.

"Sydney...we have to go... remember our plans if this ever happened?"

"How could i forget?"

"Lets carry them out then."

We drive to Mall of America. Our plan was to find One Direction and tell them we could help and to come with us. Before we head to the cities, I go to the place where my family stashed all the food, water, weapons, and clothing when a disaster would happen. Luckily there are no zombies about so we are safe. We load everything we need into the car. Before leaving i look at the clothes designated for my mom, dad, and brother. A tear rolls down my cheek, then I dash for the car. Once we get to the highway the road is mostly blocked by cars. the President said go to your capital, that it will be safe, but I know better. It will be a living hell once we arrive. That's why we have to act fast. I swerve out into the ditch to get around the cars, the ditch wasnt deep for being a new highway. We sped all the way to Bloomington and reach there just as One Direction's bus was pulling up. We honk at them and right as the look tons of zombies come out of the mall. Without eve thinking, i pull out my machine gun and start blowing there heads off as I shout "


They all dash for there bus and lock the doors. I roll up the window and drive with them close behind us. I can't go as fast as i would because that's too dangerous for the big bus. We just exited the city when I get a call from my dad. Apparently the phone lines are still up.

"Meet me at the designated spot for living, I will be there alone with extra supplies I picked up on the way"

"Ok, I'm on it"

To Be Continued...

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