Chapter 27

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Still Harry's POV:

We all cheer as he sets aside the tree. I serve the desserts, but we eat so fast because we are excited to decorate. Liam and Niall start to set up the tree so we can string it with lights and add ornaments. While they are doing that, Me and Zayn string other lights around the house. Abby takes the children and the other women to set out little decorations around the house. When Niall and Liam have FINALLY set up the tree, we are done decorating the house. I haul out the big boxes full of ornaments, string lights, and other things for the tree. Abby starts handing out the ornaments that cannot break to the children for them to hang up. She lifts up Darcy so she can hang the ornament higher up. She is just a great mum, beautiful one too. Pretty soon we have everything on the tree, except for the star. We decide that all three children will put it up together. We get three chairs. Abby holds Ariel, I hold Darcy, and Liam holds Josh. We step up together and let each child have a hand on the star and put it on. When it's fastened the rest of the group cheers. The kids faces start to go into a big smile and loud giggle come from their mouths. We set them back on the ground and go around the tv to watch Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas. The girls and Josh fall asleep before it can even finish and we put them down for bed. When we get back in to the main house, we see they are starting Christmas Vacation.

Abby:"I love this movie!! My family would watch it together every thanksgiving!"

Me:"It's a good thing that we have it then." I smile and pull her closer to me on the couch.

When it gets to the part of Clark trying to show his family these amazing Christmas lights, i decide it's time to show them my surprise for them. I drag them all outside and they are wondering curiously why i am making them come outside of the house while we are all having fun. I make them stand there and then i turn on the snow machine. It actually makes really snow too, not the synthetic kind. They all gasp and then start laughing and trying to catch a snow flake in their mouth. Abby comes over to me and gives me a big hug.

Abby:"Thank you Harry, now the girls will get to experience a real Christmas."

She kisses me passionately. I can tell this means a lot to her. I kiss her back but we don't stop. Soon we get hoots and hollers from the rest of the group but i just give them the finger. Soon I feel someone push us in to our cottage, probably Louis. I don't stop kissing her. I just keep wanting more and more, and wanting to make her feel pleasure. It was the most loving kind of sex we have had in a while.

Abby's POV:

I wake up laying on top of Harry, the usual pose i end up in every morning. But instead of staying in bed. I run to the window to see if the snow was still there, which it was. It was still coming down too. It looked so pretty. I wanted to take the girls outside today, let them have the first time in the snow. And just come inside and have some hot chocolate and some cookies, watching a Christmas classic on the big couch. I go over to Harry to wake him up.

Me:"Harryyyyyy. It's time to get uppppp."

Harry:"Now love?"

Me:"Yes now! Your damsel is calling!!"

He chuckles at how corny i am. He sits up in his bed and does his normal shake of the head and sweeps his hair to the side. I literally pull him out of the bed and he falls to the ground on his butt.


Me:"Oh you big baby, it didn't hurt that much."

Harry:"Now you've asked for it!"

He starts tickling me to death and i can't seem to escape his grip on me. I squirm trying not to laugh, but fail.

Me:"Harry!! Stop please!!!!"




He gets off of me, but i knock him back down and kiss him. He beams back up at me when i pull away. We get up and he goes to the kitchen to make us breakfast. I start to get the girls up and get them ready in to their snowsuits. When i walked out Harry had made a nice breakfast of french toast. We ate really fast because we were excited to play out in the snow with the girls. As soon as Harry put on his warm gear, we were outside and ready to go. The girls at first were intrigued at the sight of a white ground. When i touched it to their faces, they squealed at how cold it was. Soon they warmed up to it and starting throwing the snow around. We taught them how to make snow angels and how to build a snow man. I took tons of pictures with the camera at how cute they looked. Suddenly i felt something cold hit my back. I turn around and see Harry threw a snow ball at me. I smile and evil smile, *Two can play this game* i think to my self i throw a snowball right at his face. His face turns slightly peeved. I start to giggle at him and he is chasing me. The girls soon start to get into the fun and are running around in circles. We fall all together in one big heap and decide it's time to go inside. I undress the girls and settle them down in front of the tv. We put in The Polar Express. The girls are trying to hum to the songs and it is just freaking adorable. They fall asleep just as the end is nearing and Harry goes to put the girls down for their nap. I start looking for a romantic Christmas movie. I end up putting in Love Actually, even thought we have watched it a million times. I light the candle Christmas Cookie from the Yankee Candle. I put a bottle of champagne on the coffee table with some chocolate. He came in to the room and a smile came upon his face.

Harry:"What did you do all this for?"

Me:"I just thought we should have a nice night tonight you know, Christmas will be here soon."

Harry:"True, what should we get the girls for Christmas?"

Me:"I don't know, maybe we could go to target and look."

Harry:"Isn't that a half hour away thought?"

Me:"Yeah i think we will be fine, haven't seen many zombies on the radar since it snowed."

Harry:"Good point, just hope the weather doesn't get in the way."

We start the movie and automatically cuddle up to each other. I curl my feet under my butt and lay my head on his chest, with my cheek laying so i can watch the movie. He has his arm around my back and has my hand in his with his fingers intertwined with mine. I start to drift off a little bit, but Harry wakes me up for the ending. As soon as it's over, i drag him to bed with me so that i don't get cold. He starts protesting saying he isn't tired. I lay down on the bed and pull him next to me.

Harry:"Do you think that the world will ever go back to normal?"

Me:"Hard to say, do you think that if it did you would still be with me?"


We lay there in silence for awhile. He starts singing me a soft lullaby and i drift off in to a deep sleep. I dream of Christmas Eve, with all of us celebrating together. Eating delicious foods, opening presents to each other, telling the story of Twas The Night Before Christmas. It makes me smile, and I know I'm smiling in my sleep because i here Harry's voice in the far off distance talking to me while I sleep.

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