Chapter 29 Part 2

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Part 2

Harry's POV:

Next to open presents was Liam. Most of the things he got were from times we had together as a band. But when it got Danielle's present, it was the best of all.

Liam:"Oh my god, awesome!! Thank you Dani!"

Danielle:"Hehe your welcome Liam"

He gives her a huge hug and a big kiss on the mouth. He is bouncing wanting to play it like the child self of him. Next was Zayn, He got a lot of things for drawing and some other nice things. The present from Perrie was a tattoo kit.

Zayn:"This is absolutely great! Now i can put my artwork on people!"

Perrie:"I was hoping that you would like it." She said with a smile

He hugs her tightly and looks back at the kit. Next was Louis, He had gotten some pairs of toms, and from me i gave him a huge back of carrots as a joke.

Louis:"Man, I never thought i would miss getting presents like these."

Me:"Me either, silly things."

Liam:"Like spoons."

Zayn:"Like mirrors."

Niall:"Things with four leaf clovers on 'em."

Me:"And stuffed cats."

We all burst out laughing at the silly things fans would give us. Louis had gotten a nice drawing of himself from Nikita.

Louis:"It's beautiful love."

He hugs her and kisses her temple. Next was Danielle, She had gotten lots of articles of clothing and make up stuff that i don't understand about. When it came to Liam's present for her, he gave her a golden heart locket.

Danielle:"Awh Liam, i love it."

Liam:"I thought it would look perfect on you."

He clasps it around her neck for her and she turns around and kisses him.

Liam:"So now can we play our game?!?!"

Danielle:"Haha sure."

Liam:"Who wants to play?!?!"

Niall:"Oh i will!!!"

They start getting the game ready and i just shake my head at them. I see Abby would like to have some help with the girls, so i come over there to open up some of their gifts. As we are opening, Abby and I start up a conversation.

Abby:"This is great, how we can still have a normal holiday."

Me:"I know, it's really nice." I smile at the present im trying to open. "Can you hand me the scissors?"

Abby:"Sure, I don't even know why they wrap them up so tight. Who would want to steal toys?"

Me:"Well, we just kinda did." I say with a laugh

Abby:"Well, money doesn't have meaning anymore... right?"

I laugh "Abby it's fine, we did nothing wrong."

Abby:"You sure? I feel like i have just sinned now." She says with worry on her face

Me:"Yeah Abby, we are fine."

I finish opening the box and hand the toy over to Ariel. We finish opening all the toys when it is about lunch time. I get up and walk over to the kitchen to make lunch. I decided i should make a nice warm soup, filling enough so that we wont need extra things besides some bread. Once it is done, i set out the plates on the table and call everyone to eat.

Niall:"Oooh this smells and tastes good!"

Me:"Glad to please you Niall." I chuckle

Abby:"It is really good, it reminds me of the soup at Panera i would always get."

Sydney:"Ohh me too!"

Me:"Never heard of it."

Liam:"I don't think they have those over in the UK."

Zayn:"Yeah, me either."

Louis:"Well hats off to curly!"

We all start laughing at Louis, he always turns everything into a joke. We finish our soup, and everyone starts to put the kids down for their naps.When Abby comes out of Ariel and Darcy's room, she sits on the couch beside me.

Abby:"Brr it's cold in here."

Me:"Let me go make you some hot chocolate."

She follows me in to the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around her.

Me:"Out of my kitchen!!"

Abby:"Awh come on Ha-"


She walks out laughing, I smirk. I remember fans always quoting that from the X-Factor days. I make her a nice candy cane flavoured hot chocolate, then put whipped cream on top with some crumbs of candy cane. I come out with the cup steadily so that i don't spill it. I set it down in front of her and she takes a sip.

Abby:"Mmm this is so good."

Me:"I tried to make it fancy." I chuckle

Abby:"And you succeeded." She says with a smile

She leans in to my chest with her cup still in her hand. I put the blanket over top of our legs and wrap my arms around her. I turn on the tv and start Love Actually. She finishes her cup quite fast and i can see her eyelids staring to droop. I let her fall asleep on my chest. Her breath is steady, and light. She looks so peaceful, and beautiful in her sleep. She looks beautiful everyday, but it is as if she is an angel when sleeping. I finish the movie without her. She sleeps through it every time we watch it, I'm pretty sure she has never seen the ending. I glance at the clock and notice it is time for the girls to get up.

Me:"Abby.. it's time to wake the girls up."

Abby:"Ugh that doesn't mean it's time to wake me up."

I laugh at her, she is always so tired "Well you kind of need to get off me love."

Abby:"Ugh fine."

She sits up and rubs her eyes. She lets out a loud yawn while stretching her back, slumping back in to her regular posture. I get up to go get Darcy and Ariel. They are already awake and quietly doing baby talk back and forth to each other. They are so cute. I pick one up with each arm and carry them out. Abby has completely gotten up and is putting her dishes away.

Abby:"Ready to go back to the main house?"

Me:"Sure babe."

We pull on our coats and the girls coats, and walk outside to get to the main house. When we get there, Liam and Niall are still playing that toy story game, while Zayn is drawing. Nikita, Sydney, Danielle, and Perrie are talking about girly things while Louis watches Niall and Liam play in amusement. I check the clock and see it is about 4. I decided it's time to make the Christmas Dinner. I was making a ham tonight, with some potatos and other appetizers. It turned out really well. I set the table and called everyone around. Once everybody is seated, I've decided that Abby should say grace today.

Abby:"Dear lord, thank you for everything you have given us. This food, our loved ones, this house, this wonderful Christmas. And thank you for sparing us once more today. I don't know how long we will live, but you have given us a longer chance than most people. In Jesus name, Amen"

I carve the ham and hand everybody a slice. We eat our Christmas dinner with laughs, and end up with full tummies. This was the best Christmas we could ever ask for.

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