Chapter 20

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Zayn's POV:

I just couldn't stand to be there any longer. I can't allow Louis to be with Nikita. I decided that now is my time to leave, and I'm not hesitating. These days you just have to do and not so much think. I'm not sure exactly where i should go. I have decided that my accuse should be that i am finding Perrie. But as i think about how to explain why i decided now to go find her, i realize maybe that's what i should do. I still love her, but i also love Nikita. Maybe once i find Perrie i will be better and realize that i just missed her. I go into a local gas station to find a map of the USA. I grab one and a zombie comes around a corner. Easy pickings, i shoot it without trouble. I get back in the car and examine the map. I know that Perrie's group Little Mix just happened to be in America while this happened. I think she said that she was going to LA for some recording maybe? Well it's a place to look. I find California on the map and realize it's days away from here. At least there is no traffic to slow me down, and i can go any speed i want. I look at the gas gauge and my tank is half full. I quick drive to walmart to get some gas containers and fill them up with the cars in the parking lot that no one needs anymore. I have about ten of them full, and stuff them in the trunk. Soon my walky talky makes a noise. The only reason i brought it is in case i get really stuck and need help.

Niall:"Zayn? Zayn you there?"

Me:"Yeah I'm here."

Niall:"Why did you leave?"

Me:"I'm going to find Perrie, and i couldn't stand seeing one of my loved ones being loved and love someone else. SO i decided to find my other loved one."

Niall:"You know you could've asked us to come help you."

Zayn:"No, this is my buisness, and i don't need any help."

Niall:"Well if you ever do, just give us a call. Be careful Zayn, we love you."

Me:"I will don't worry Niall."

I turn it off and start to head to Cali.

Nikita's POV:

I couldn't believe that Zayn had left. *was it because of me?*i thought. I don't want to be the one who drove him away. I really cared for him. Just not the same way i did about Louis. He is still a dear friend to me, no, more like a brother. And the thought that he could get hurt out there because of me, killed. Niall comes back over to the group.

Niall:"He said he is looking for Perrie."

Abby:"Well why didn't he ask us to come?"

Niall:"He said it was no one else's business but his own."

Me:"He didn't leave because of me?"

Niall:"No it's not entirely that, he mentioned it. But it doesn't seem like the main cause."

Relief washes over my body, but it doesn't stay long. I still don't want Zayn to be in danger.

Harry:"So what about the wedding?"

Sydney:"Well we can't have it without Zayn..."

Abby:"But he could be weeks, months before he comes back. And a lot of things can happen during that time."

Niall:"What do you mean?"

Liam:"She is saying that don't you want to get married as soon as possible? One of you could die and then you regret not getting married right away. Plus, things like this happened in the normal world too. Everyone can't always attend."

Danielle:"We don't want you to being upset, it would also bring up everyone's spirits too."

Sydney:"I guess you've got a point.."

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