Chapter 18

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Abby's POV:

They are getting married. I am so happy for Sydney, all this time waiting for someone right to come into her life and it is finally here for her. We have to have the wedding soon. Probably tomorrow, i wonder if we will be able to go in today and start getting supplies.

Me:"Should we go and get supplies right now?"

Harry:"Let them go, i can't risk losing three people."

Me:"But what is the dress they get won't fit me?"

Sydney:"Don't worry hun, ill make sure we get something that works for all of us."

Danielle:"Yeah, we won't mind it." she says with a smile

Just then, Louis and Nikita come downstairs. They look a little happier than usual.

Louis:"What's going on?'

Liam:"Niall and Sydney are getting married!"

Harry:"We were just about to go in for supplies. Why don't you go with the boys lou for decorations and Nikita can go with Sydney and Danielle."

Nikita:"Oh this is so exciting!"

Niall:"What would you like our wedding decorations to look like princess?" he says looking at Sydney

Sydney:"Anything you want my prince." She smiles and kisses him

They soon leave with a plan, me and Harry are left alone. I go over to him and hug him tightly

Me:"You think we did the right thing?"

Harry:"Of course, look at how happy they are."

Me:"I'm going to look fat in a bridesmaid dress.."

Harry:"No you won't! You will look beautiful, carry our two babies." He says with a smile

Me:"I can't wait for them to just come out already!"

Harry:"Me either love."

We go back to our little house and sit on the couch together cuddling. Harry turns on the tv and starts the movie that is already in the dvd player. I get so tired so much faster these days that i fall right asleep in his arms.

Harry's POV:

She falls asleep quite soon, must me tiring carry two little guys inside you. I just sit there with her in my arms. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps, not a worry on her face. He chest rises and falls slowly. I kiss the top of her head. Her scent is comforting to me. She is so beautiful, i hate it when she thinks differently. She needs to have more confidence in herself, she needs to love herself. But I will love her to substitute for the love she doesnt give her self. If i could, i would do it all over again with her. Have her save us at the mall, fall in love with her the first time she speaks, kiss her in her bedroom, have sex the first time, find out we're pregnant, get married again. I would do it all. The walky talky makes a noise. Sydney's voice comes in.

Sydney:"What size do you think we should get Abby?"

Me:"Get her either a medium or a large, bring them both just in case."


It doesn't even wake her up. She is such a heavy sleeper. I wonder what she dreams about, what goes on inside that head of her's when she is sleeping. She probably thinks about the babies constantly. I know the only two things i ever think about are the children and her. I wonder if Danielle and Liam will have kids, or even Niall and Sydney. Would our kids be friends? They'd have to be. That would be the only people who are similar to their age. I still wonder what gender they are going to be. No matter what they are they still will be beautiful. I start humming 'Isn't She Lovely' softly. I can tell Abby can her it in her dreams because she starts to smile.

Nikita's POV:

We are looking around the shop for wedding gowns now, we have chosen our bridesmaid dresses that are a light pink colour. I want to tell the girls about me and Louis, but i don't know if Louis wants them to know yet. It's been gnawing inside me. Seeing Danielle, Sydney, and Abby all being able to love the person they love and get married. And me and Louis still keeping it a secret. I so want to be able to just go up and embrace him, and kiss him in front of everybody. Show him off to what's left to the world. But he is afraid people in the group will judge him, and he doesn't want to lose the secure place he is staying in. But i really don't think anybody will kick him out because he loves me.

Sydney:"I can't wait for the wedding tomorrow" she says beaming

Danielle:"Me either! i hope the whole group can get married!"

Nikita:"Me too!'

Sydney:"I hope you find some Nikita, your such a sweet girl!"

Danielle:'Do you and Louis have something going on? you seem to be getting quite close to each other." She says with a grin

Nikita:"Well..." I say looking at the ground and blushing

Sydney:"She does!! Yay!!"

Danielle:"How come you haven't told us?!"

Nikita:"Well Lou is worried that people will judge him for moving on so quickly from Eleanor."

Sydney:"You can't judge someone just because they love someone. That is who they love and they can't change it."

Danielle:"She's right Nikita, you should tell him not to worry!"

Nikita:"You're right, i will tell him when we get home."

Louis's POV:

I was wanting to tell the boys that i fancied Nikita, but i don't know if it's the right time to. Has it been long enough? I don't want them to think im just moving on quickly to get her off my mind. Which im not, i really do love Nikita, and they need to know that.

Louis:"Boys, there has been something i've been meaning to tell you."

Liam:"What is it Lou?"

Louis:"Well, i kind of fancy Nikita.."

Niall:"I knew it! I could tell by the way you too look at each other!"

Louis:"So you don't think it's too soon do you?"

Liam:"Of course not Louis, it's love."

Niall:"When you love somebody, it's never too soon to show it to the world."

Louis:"Thanks guys." I sigh with relief.

Zayn kept giving me looks . I wonder what is wrong. We quickly get our decorations and start to head home. When we get to the house Nikita runs over to me and hugs me. I hug her back without hesitation. Then i do something she doesn't expect. I lift her chin up and kiss her full on. In front of everyone. They all awe at our love. Then suddenly Zayn pulls me harshly away from her.

Zayn:"You knew i loved her! You could tell by they way i looked at her! But no!"

Louis:"Zayn! What on earth are you talking about?!?!"

Zayn:"I love Nikita! And you took her from me!!"

My mouth drops open, just then he swings his fist and hits me square in the face. Knocking me out cold.

To Be Continued

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