Chapter 3

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Without hesitation you pull your hand gun out of your pocket and blast his head off. you turn to harry.

"Go upstairs, get everyone to go into the safe room. There are signs telling you where it is. Once you get there lock the door. Don't worry about me and Paul."


"But no, i have the code to the pad lock to it. We will get there when we are done locking the doors and killing the stray zombies. Got it?"

He turns and runs up stairs to lead the others to the safe room. Paul gets downstairs and sees the four zombies making there way toward us.

"Paul, i need you to watch my back. Kill zombies while i run to the door and lock it."

"Ok, whenever your ready"

I sprint to the door while i hear the blast of the hand gun behind me killing the zombies. Once i get there i see the whole mob running. i quickly hit the switch to pull the door down. *Come on come on you damn door*. As is closes slowly i can see the zombies getting closer by the second. Right before they reach the door it slams shut! *THANK YOU BABY JESUS!* you think to yourself as you quickly type in the code to lock the door. You come back to where Paul is standing with four dead zombies.

Paul:"What are we going to do with them?"

You:"We burn them, to make sure they don't come back to life. hurry and bring them out back so that the others don't get traumatized"

You both grab two by the legs and drag them out back. You quickly put some lighter fluid on them and burn it. as soon as they are ashes you put out the fire and bury the ashes.

You:"Lets go get the others from the safe room, tell them its all clear"

You lead Paul up to the safe room, and unlock it. The first one out the door is Harry. He embraces you so tightly you swear he'll never let go.

Harry:"I was so worried" His eyes are red and puffy from crying.

You:"It's alright, i can handle myself, i've been trained for this"


You:"Long story..."

Liam interrupts you by saying

"Well thank you for saving us, i never really got to learn both of you girls names" looking at me and Sydney.

Sydney:"Im Sydney"

You:"And Im Abby"

Liam:"Great to finally meet you, we are Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Harry"

Danielle:" And we are Danielle and Eleanor"

You:"Oh we know, we are fans of you guys." you say with a smile

Niall:"Woah, what a dedicated fan to come save us from zombies eatin our faces off"

Everybody bursts out laughing

Niall:"Well are we gonna eat or what?! Im STARVING!!"

Harry:"I'll cook if you don't mind?"

You:"Sure, you can. I'll show you where everything is"

Once you all settle in for dinner, you all start talking about yourselves.You learn that you and Sydney get along quite well with Danielle and Eleanor. Thank god because your in a house full of boys. Suddenly talk starts to dim down a bit and Louis asks...

"How did you know what was going on? what if you were totally wrong?"

You:"Well it helps when you've watched The Walking Dead and a ton of zombies movies. You kinda know the signs after that"

Liam:"So is that how you were so prepared?"

You:"Yes actually" you say with a laugh

Niall:"Maybe we could watch some of those? Get us ready too?"

You:"we can do that tomorrow. Right now lets just be happy we have a place to stay and enjoy ourselves"

After dinner, you guys go outside of the house you will be living in underground. Paul starts up a bonfire and Niall brings out things to make s'mores and roast hot dogs. After singing and playing around by the fire you decide to take a little walk. You end up by the pool and wade your feet in. You flash back to the site of seeing your dad running over to you, not even himself anymore. Tears start to spill over your eye lids and run down your cheek when someone sits next to you.

Harry:"Is everything alright love?"

You:"Yeah, Im fine"

Harry:"No your not, your crying" he says while wiping a tear from your face

You:"It's just, i saw my dad. He was a zombie trying to come after me... all of my family is dead. I have no one..."

Harry:"We are here for you Abby, Im here for you." He says looking deeply into your blue eyes with his deep green ones

You stare at each other intensely, both wanting each other to know how much you care about the other. He kisses you, with so much passion you've never even experienced. You kiss him back with even more passion if possible. You both pull away and he looks at you and smiles with his cheeky dimpled smile.

Harry:"Ever since i saw you i wanted to be the one to do that"

You:"Why don't we carry this out in my room?"

Harry:"Sure love"

You both walk back to the fire hand in hand. You notice that while you were gone Niall and Sydney were in an intense conversation about each other. You smiled at the thought of how things can still be good during so much destruction.

Harry:"We are tired and both going to bed"

All:"Alright night guys!!"

Louis:"Don't get too frisky now curly!!"

Harry chuckles as you both walk away. As soon as you walk into the room he kisses you, your knees feel weak and your heart is going a million miles and hour. You kiss him back hard and he lifts up your thighs. You wrap your legs around his waist as he pushes you both to the wall. He asks you for access, but, you deny it. He looks at you puzzled

Harry:"Whats wrong babe?"

You:"I don't think we should be doing this yet, i just met you Harry."

Harry slightly frowns and looks at the ground.

You:"Im sorry but if you want, you can share my room with me tonight?" You say with a wide smile

he chuckles and says "I would love to babe"

You quick take a shower, the place has a built in propane system so all the electricity and water works. and you change your clothes. You cuddle up close to him and he wraps his arms around you with his lips close to your ear.

Harry:"Good night love"

You:"Good night Harry"

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