Chapter 35

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Abby's POV:

I started to sprint towards to cottage to get the girls, my plan was to give all the children to louis and he would drive away from here. He was good with kids and i think we all agreed we want them to live if we can't. I ran into their rooms and quickly packed clothes and a few toys with them. I ran back to the garage and Louis was waiting their with Cameron already in a car seat.

Me:"Take good care of them Lou."

Louis:"I will, now go and whoop some zombie ass!"

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and kissed the girls on their foreheads, as i was running out of the garage Liam dropped off his son with Louis. When i got back towards the main house it was insane. The group had made a large circle and was shooting zombies from every corner. I stood next to Harry and started to shoot them. One by one we were blowing their heads off, but it wasn't enough to keep up with the constant stream. The circle was being pushed back towards the doors leading to the backyard. All the sudden we heard Danielle scream. Me and Harry looked over to see that she was bitten on the collar bone and was being dragged into the crowd of zombies. Liam kept his cool and was still killing zombies. We were finally pushed outside and shooting still, but the crowd of them seemed endless. We all decided to run to the play house but only a few could fit up there. Me, Harry, Niall, and Nikita went in and the others stayed out to defend it. When we got inside Harry turned on Niall.

Harry:"Why the hell did you open those doors?! First you call them with a siren and then open the fucking doors inviting them for a feast?!"

Niall:"I didn't want to live without Sydney anymore. I just wanted to die."

Nikita:"Yeah well you didn't think a damn about us."

Niall:"I'm so sorry..."

He buried his head in his hands and i started rubbing his back

Me:"It's too late now, now we have to fight back."

We opened up the windows and started shooting them from the house. As we were shooting Zayn turned to Liam and was bitten. Perrie tried to save him, but was devoured in the process. Nikita was about to break down into tears but I made her keep her cool.

Me:"We can mourn over them afterwards, right now we have to clean out the rest to save the others."

She nodded and we kept shooting. Liam ran to the house and got in.

Liam:"There is no use."

Niall:"We have to keep fighting, i screwed this up and I'm going to fix it."

He starts running out of there and shooting like crazy. The mob just runs faster at him. Liam and Nikita tries to save them. But they get eaten alive out there. I turn to Harry looking for something we could do. His eyes were puffy with crying and I could tell he knew it was the end for us. For living, we won't get to see our children grow up, or Louis. He grabbed my face with his hands and kissed me. During the kiss, it's almost as if a movie of my life was playing in my head. From the day that this started, to the day that I gave birth to my children. We pulled away and he wiped a tear from my eye.

Me:"Harry I don't want to be eaten alive."

Harry:"I have a better idea."

He raise up his gun and pointed it at his head. He nodded toward mine and I did the same.

Harry:"On the count of three."

Me:"On the count of three."


Me:"I Love you..."

Harry:"I love you too.."


Harry:"See you later love." He said with a weak smile. "Three..."


Louis' POV:

I was driving faster than fast out of there, I just made it around the huge mob of zombies. They must have come from the cities. I started to get worried for my friends. But then pushed the thought aside. *Surely they will fight it out* I thought. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw all the beautiful children's faces. Wishing i had one of my own with Nikita. We had just gotten engaged yesterday but haven't told the group yet. We were planning on telling them at dinner, obviously things didn't go as planned. *When they get back we'll tell them* I thought. Suddenly Ariel spoke up.

Ariel:"Mummy, daddy?"

Me:"They will be back soon, don't worry love."

I hope i could keep that promise. I couldn't possible live with that. We started to head toward the secret bomb shelter Abby gave me directions to. We just reached there when I called them on the walkey talkey. All I was getting was static. *Maybe they just dropped it and it got trampled* I thought trying to calm my self. We walked into the bomb shelter and i settled all the kids down for a nap. *If they aren't here by 8 I will go back for them*

And that's exactly what he will have to do.

Note:Hey guys, last official chapter. I will be posting and Epilogue but I'm not sure when. Currently trying to set up my new fan fiction that i will be making. I'll keep ya posted guys(: xx

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