Chapter 23

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still Abby's POV:

She is passe out on the floor. Doctor Smith rushes up to her and checks her pulse.

Doctor Smith:"She doesn't have a pulse..."

Me:"Harry, go in to the house with Darcy and Ariel. She will turn any second"

Perrie:"But she wasn't bit!"

Me:"It doesn't matter if they were bitten or not! They still turn!"


Sydney:"It's true, I've seen it."

Sydney's flash back

I went to school just like a normal day, and when i got in there the school was in chaos. One of the girls looked like she got shot in the heart. Another was chasing someone trying to bite them. I was looking at the girl who was lying dead on the floor. She sat up and looked at me. She started coming for me and i ran. I bumped into Abby right away.

Me:"Abby!! Something weird is going on!!!" Some kid is going crazy and running around biting people!! We Think her might be on drugs!!"

She looked at me with her eyes wide in fear.

Abby:"Sydney...we need to leave...NOW!!!"

Me:"why what is going on?!?!"


End of flash back, back into Abby's POV:

Perrie starts to get tears into her eyes and Zayn holds her. I feel really bad telling her, but it had to be done. I came over to Jesy, still not a zombie yet and shoot her in the head. Me and Doctor Smith carry her outside and bury her. The doctor goes in to the main house to tell everyone to get ready for the mini service. I go back to the cottage and change my clothes. We get Darcy and Ariel ready and head outside. They were all waiting there for us. We went around the circle paying our respects. When we were done, we go back inside to have lunch. We just have some cold sandwiches and potato chips. Darcy and Ariel start getting tired so i decide to lay them down for a nap. Harry walks into the girl's room and wraps his arms around my torso.

Harry:"This day hasn't gone so well."

Me:"I know, i was worried that it would affect our girls."

Harry:"It was a good idea for you to send me with them to the house, you did the right thing."

Me:"You think so? I felt really bad about it."

Harry:"Yeah you did, the group was in danger and you saved us."

Me:"I just hope no one gets angry at me.."

Harry:"I won't let that happen."

He starts kissing the back of my neck, He starts going up my neck and kisses me right beneath my ear. I turn around and kiss him full on the lips. He pulls me closer to him and i wrap my arms around his neck, grabbing his curls with my hands. We move back in to the bedroom without breaking the kiss.We haven't had sex for six months, and i was raging with hormones. We break for a second. He starts giving me love bites on my neck. I pull at the bottom of his shirt and he breaks so we can take it off. He unzips my dress and it slides off my body with ease. I wrap my legs around his torso and he carries me to the bed while kissing me. I still have my legs wrapped around him. I fumble with his belt buckle and he chuckles in to my neck. I finally get it off and slip his trousers down. He looks in to my blue eyes with his piercing green ones. He makes a cheeky grin and starts kissing me again.

I'm laying on top of his chest breathing heavily. That was the best. I hope we didn't wake up the girls though. He starts twirling my hair with his fingers. I look at him and smile.

Harry:"So do you think the girls are still asleep?" He says cheekily

I laugh a little:"Yeah, we weren't too loud."

Harry:"Round two?" He says with a wink

Me:"Harry Edward Styles!" i burst out laughing at his cheekiness.

Harry:"It's just a question!" he says with a grin

Me:"Can we just take a nap babe?" I say with a pouty face

Harry:"Whyyyy" He says whining

Me:"Because i've had a long day and just need some rest."

Harry:"Fine.." He kisses my forehead and i drift off to sleep, with us completely naked

I wake up still on top of him. I can feel him staring at me. I look at his face and see him just looking at me. He brushes his knuckles over my face. I kiss him. It was a quick one, which made him frown slightly. I chuckle, he is always wanting more. I start to get up and change.

Harry:"You do realize you slept through supper right?"

Me:"Really?" i say astonished.

Harry:"Yeah love." He says laughing

Me:"I'm starving!"

Harry:"Well everyone but us has eaten so i'll just make us a meal."

He puts on some sweats and his ramones shirt. I quickly change into comfy clothes. I run downstairs and smell pasta. Mmmm, Harry always knows what kind of food i want. I walk up behind him and put my hands over his eyes. He grabs my hands and turns me around. His face comes so close to mine and our lips just brush. He smiles then pulls away and goes back to cooking.

Me:"What did you do that for?!"

*He shrugs*

Me:"You can't just seduce me like that!"

Harry chuckles:"I seduce you?" He says with a cheeky grin


He starts laughing at me and my face turns bright red. We sit down to eat and then the girls get fussy. I go into there room and start feeding them. Then the alarm starts to go off.

To Be Continued...

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