Chapter 33

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Abby's POV:

When i woke up i felt happy, but then i remembered what happened yesterday and was torn back into depression. I noticed i was in my normal sleeping position, on top of Harry. Only he had no shirt on. We must had a good time and that's why i woke up happy. I turned my head and put my hands on his chest, resting my chin on top of them. He was already awake and his face was close to mine.

Harry:"Good morning." he said in his husky voice

Me:"Good morning sex god." i said with a wink

He chuckled at me "So you had a good time last night?"

Me:"As always!"

He starts laughing at me. I'm always like this no matter what. I start smiling at him but it fades quickly. Harry's expression changes with mine

Harry:"Are you going to be alright love?"

Me:"I don't know, it feels like every one is slipping so quickly through my fingers. With no way to get them back."

Harry:"Sydney wouldn't want you to be sad, she would want you to be happy."

Me:"I know, i want the same thing when I die, but i never realized how hard that is."

Harry:"Not everything can be easy." He says while kissing my forehead "Do you want some breakfast?"

Me:"Alright chef Harry." I say with a small smile

Harry:"That's much better!"

He hops out of bed I laugh at how energetic he is this morning, i should have sex with him more often. Rather have Happy Harry than tired grumpy Harry. I get up and change into some clothes. I walked out to the kitchen and smelled my most favourite thing in the world, birthday cake cinnamon rolls. A smile came to my lips and i sat down and started to eat. Harry came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my head, making me unable to see.

Me:"Haz! I can't see!"

Harry:"Hmmm i don't see what the problem it." Hearing the smirk in his voice

Me:"It makes me unable to eat these delicious cinnamon rolls you made!"

Harry:"Oh so they are delicious? Tell me I'm the best chef ever and I'll let you see."

Me:"You are the best chef AND husband ever!"

He unwraps his arms from around my head and sits down "Ohhh you added husband too, nice touch." He says with his dimpled smile

Me:"I know how to get what i want." i say with a wink

When i am done eating, he takes my plate while i wake up the girls. I walk out with Ariel in my arms and Darcy wobbly walking behind me.

Harry:"Lets have a lazy day today."

Me:"Do you think the group will care?"

Harry:"I honestly think everyone needs a little alone time today." He says with a frown "Want to watch a movie?"

Me:"Sure, but make is a happy one, and it has to be appropriate for these two girls."

Harry:"Of course."

He picks out Nemo and starts it. The girls seem really into it, and would shout things at the tv. They have started to grasp at some of the words. They call me mum, coming from Harry's accent. And they call him dadda.


Me:"Yes dear?"

Ariel:"Me is humgry!"

Darcy:"Me too mum! Me too!"

Me:"Harry, would you go get us the plate of cookies?"


Ariel&Darcy:"Mummy gots us coooookies!"

I laugh at how cute they are, they really are starting to grow up. Harry comes back with a big platter of cookies and some milk for all of us. I give Ariel and Darcy each one to start with and they start gnawing on it with there few baby teeth. They two doze off before the movie even finishes and i settle them into their cribs early. When i come back Harry is laying on the couch playing on the ipad.

Me:"Mind if i join you?"

Harry:"Come here!!"

He opens his arms and i lay my back on top of him, while he wraps his arms around me protectively.

Me:"I think i could take a nap like this. It is really comfortable."

Harry:"Go head love, I'll just sit here and play with your hair."

I close my lids and soon fall into sleep land.


When i wake up, im all sweaty and panting heavily.

Harry:"Love are you alright? You were thrashing in your sleep."

Me:"I just had the most terrible dream!" tears start to roll down my face

Harry:"Abby, talk to me, what happened?"

Me:"Zombies got in, and, and.... You were bitten. And the girls were eaten alive! They were just about to get me before i woke up." I started full on sobbing at this point

Harry:"I will never let that happen to us, everything is alright. We are fine. The girls are still here, I'm still here, and you are still here."

He hugs me tightly and kisses the top of my head. I wonder what it is like for Niall right now....

Niall's POV:

It has been a whole day without Sydney, I just stayed inside the cottage. Not wanting to see anyone really besides Cameron. He pretty much slept all day so i was watching movies. I tried watching happy ones, but in all the movies there is always some romance. And all it does is remind me of my princess. I know she would want me to be happy, but it is so hard to have life without her. I have been waiting all my life for her. I decided to start playing some music when Moments came on. I stared singing along with it full out, tears streaming down my face.

You know I'll be

Your life, your voice, your reason to be

My love, My heart, is beating for this

Moment, in time, I'll find the words to say

before you leave me today

When the song is over, i bury my head in my hands and just let it all out. I end up falling asleep, being tired from all the crying. Then i slip into a dream. I wanted it to be real though. Sydney was still here, smiling and happy. She was holding Cameron and saying how handsome our little boy looked. And we shared a kiss. It was almost if i could still feel it on my lips when i woke up. Like her spirit came down and gave me one last kiss, and I will always remember it.

To Be Continued...

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