𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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"The pasta is nice, a little over cooked but still nice." Maria said from across the table.

"Thanks." I said softly but continued to stare down at the pasta in my bowl, twirling it with my fork.

I didn't want to look at Elias, otherwise I think my face will explode with redness. Besides he was busy having a hushed conversation with Andre. Sofia and Vanessa talked together but I noticed the strain on Vanessas face.

Maria turned to talk to the kids, seeing that it wasn't usual for her to visit. So I didn't interrupt.

I stood, drawing everyones eyes to me.

"I think I'm going to go to bed."

"So early! Why don't you stay and we can chat." Sofia said cheerfully.

I held back an eye roll. "Maybe another time, I'm really tired."

My eyes flickered over to Elias who had a hint of concern on his face. I looked away before my face could turn red.

I took my dishes to the kitchen, where I scrapped my full bowl into the trash can, leaving my dishes in the sink with a sigh.

"Hey." Sofia's annoying voice suddenly pipped from behind me.

I turned with a forced smile. "Hi."

"I was just thinking, because I'll be staying here for a while we should get to know each other, like sister!"

I had to do my absolute best to hold back a scoff.


"But of course if we're going to be sisters there is one rule. Elias is mine."

"Uh riiight well-"

"Grace." Andre called from the entrance to the kitchen, saving me from Sofia's hard stare.

I smiled at Andre, moving to walk to him but Sofia stopped me by firmly grabbing my wrist.

"I mean it. Elias is mine." she growled before suddenly changing her features to a bright smile. "We'll talk later okay sis." With that she pranced of like a happy bunny.

From our encounter I definitely dreaded our next one. I moved my wide eyes to Andre who raised a brow at me.

"You okay-" he didn't let me answer. "-It looks like you and Sofia are getting along, that's good."

"Well actual-"

He put his dishes in the sink. "Im heading off for a bit of an errand so I'll see you later." he said before quickly walking off.

I huffed out a sigh.

"You okay?"

I turned to see Elias walking in with everyone's else dishes as well as his.

I shrugged "Yeah, I guess so."

"That doesn't sound very reassuring."

"Im just tired is all, and my body still aches."

His eyes shifted to my bruises that could easily be seen. "I guess we should talk about what happened."

It was lovely how his face held concern for me, but I wouldn't be fooled, it would only last for a bit before he would keep his face emotionless in front of me.

I didn't want to tell him about my experience with Lucas just for him to ignore me afterward, it would hurt me too much. I guess I was being selfish after all, I had hurt him already.

I shook my head. "Another time maybe." I said before leaving the kitchen, walking around the mansion to find myself in the library.

I could really use a good old book to get lost in.

• • •

My eyes began drooping, the words of the book in my hand blurring. I had been in the library for over four hours and I was starting to get tired. And the constant aching in my head did nothing to cease my irritation to the world.

I jerked upright when the door flew open, slamming against the wall. The book in my hand dropped to the floor helplessly as my head snapped towards the intruder. I sighed in relief when I found it was only Elias, but my tense posture remained when I noticed the unhappy look on his usually emotionless face.

Had I done something wrong?

"What's wrong?" My voice stayed polite, but my wariness never left.

"The ball. It's in three fucking weeks!" He snapped, running a hand through his already tousled hair.

"And this is bad because?.."

"Because we don't have enough time to prepare. The ball isn't meant to be until another three months!"

"So, he's pushed it forward."

"Yes Grace, he fucking pushed it forward, " he snapped at me loudly making me flinch. His eyes softened slightly, but the rage behind them didn't dim.

"Grace, I'm sorry it's not your fault."

He sighed.

"Look, Elias, you just need to calm down, we'll figure something out."

"I have to deal with Mateo, The Valentino's, you, Sofia, mama and the kids and then my men and the people we deal with... I never get a damn break."

I sighed, sitting back down, biting my lip nervously as I twiddled my thumbs.

"Look, I've been thinking... It would be all too much if there was an us. You have all of that on your hands, and I would be another weakness. We should stop this right here and now."

"Grace, I don't fucking need this right now. Look I have other things to deal with–"

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm doing this."

I sighed, standing up and walking over to him. Looking up at his gorgeous face, I placed my hands on his chest.

"Grace, " his words became hoarse.

I placed my lips on his, closing my eyes as I savoured the sweet taste of his lips. I really do like him, and that's why this is the best way.

He grabbed my hips, pulling me closer, deepening our kiss.

In doing this though, I would not let that bitch get to him, she may try but I would not let her get to his heart.

I pulled away, looking down so that he wouldn't see the tears threatening to spill.

"It's for the best Elias. And I'm sure you know that... Goodbye, Elias."

With that, I gently pushed his limp hands off of my hips and walked around him, leaving the library and the shocked man behind.


Plot twist😂

Who's hating on Grace right now?
Do you think she made the right choice?

Btw I have a new story out, called Court of blood and fangs. If you love erotic fantasy that includes vampires, witches and werewolves you may just love this book?

And does anyone know about any contests at all that I can enter, if you do, please comment or message me personally.

Thank you.
All my love to everyone.

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