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My hands wouldn't stop shaking. I had been played and I had given that fucking hot Italian man what he had wanted. I had been waiting for someone to walk in with my father or Lucus for hours, but no one came.

I jumped when I heard the blue door open, pulling me out of my thoughts. Alessandro and the boss man entered making the butterflies in my stomach worse.

"Looks like your father has put out a four million dollar reward for any who finds you."

I frowned not noticing my eyes were watering until my sight blurred, I put my head down so that my hair covered my face as I looked at my hands that still wouldn't stop shaking.

"He's also a customer of ours that's overdue by thousands."

I watched as the tears dropped onto my hands."

"But while you're here we'll keep you in a guest bedroom from now on," Alessandro said coming over to me.

"Only because it's in your father's conditions, I would never accommodate a liar," the boss man piped in making the blurriness in my eyes worse.

I wiped my tears as Alessandro squatted down next to me. I didn't want him to see me weak.

"Can you walk?" He asked.

I tried to push myself up off of the ground but only managed to stand up and stay standing. I looked at Alessandro through slits in my hair, he was frowning but looked impressed slightly.

When I tried to step forward I nearly collapsed, but the boss man quickly caught me and pushed me back up. My hands were still on his biceps when I straightened and I could tell this man did daily workouts. But it was only when I looked up at the man's face did I notice the guilty look.

I pulled away from him, not liking that he felt sorry for me. He turned around and walked towards the blue door.

"Carry her to the room Alessandro, then get her some food." He knocked three times and the door opened for him but never closed behind him.

I looked at Alessandro who suddenly picked me up bridal style, I was too weak to complain. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked out of the concrete room, I watched as we walked down the concrete hall and then up some stairs until we got to a wooden door.

When Alessandro opened it noise flowed straight to my head making a headache form quickly. Handsome built men walked passed us, glancing at us but never saying anything.

Although it looked like a restaurant on a busy day the room that we had entered looked expensive with its clean white walls, fancy lamps hung on the walls, marble floor and a couple of paintings hanging up.

I closed my eyes as we walked, feeling like it took to much energy to keep them open.

"Aren't I too heavy for you?" I whispered.

"No, you're lighter than a feather," he said, chuckling making his chest rumble.

Lucus would never hold me because he said I was too heavy. The time without food must have done something good then? It wasn't long before I was laid down in a nice bed with clean covers.

"Wait I'll get the sheets dirty!"

"It's okay I'll get someone to come and change them."

I put my head down on the soft pillow and let myself sink into the mattress feeling sleepy, I barely noticed Alessandro leave.

The smell of food brought me out of my sleepy daze. I opened my eyes and looked towards Alessandro who held a plate of delicious hot lasagna, he handed it to me and immediately I started to pig it down my mouth.

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