𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"Well, Andre has to be killed."


"Well, to everyone one else he will be dead, until the ball is over, that is."

"I still don't understand."

"I plan to make Alessandro shoot Andre. Andre will then be dead to us for a while, word will spread fast in the underground which in this case is good. During the night we go to the ball, Andre will intrude the Valentino's main house and search for Angelica. Once she's safe, we inform Tobias and from there he will lead the show."

I was definitely surprised at the well planned scheme that was formed in such a short period of time, especially after all this commotion with Valentino's shooter.

"So, is Andre actually getting shot? Or not?"

He looked down at his leg, probing around the wound with his fingers.

"He'll be wearing a bullet proof vest and carrying a bag of fake blood." His faced scrunched slightly as he probed a little to closely to his wound.

"Hey, are you sure your going to be okay?" I asked with a frown.

"Im fine, i've had worse."

"Maybe... We should put water on it?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," he said, chuckling as he looked at me.

I smiled. "Yeah, I'm probably not the best for medical advice."

"Does it hurt?" I asked after a moment of silence, and intense frowning at his wound.

He sighed.

"Yeah, I guess it does."

"Ive never been shot before, so..."

"And that will remain the same."

"You never know." I shrugged, "maybe one day you or anyone else that protects me won't be there."

There was a pause, making me look at his eyes. They held an emotion that I couldn't decipher, but the intensity behind them made a shiver travel down my spine.

His hand reached towards his waistband, where he retrieved a hand gun. I was surprised when he held it out to me. I looked from the gun back up to his eyes.

"We will always be there for you. But if it makes you feel better, I'll teach you how to handle a gun."

My thoughts drifted back to Lucus, to the feeling of how the shard of glass stung my hand because I gripped it too hard as I plunged it into the soft bodily flesh.

Learning how to handle a gun was one thing, but actually using it to possibly kill someone was another. Would I have it in me to kill again?

"If you ever had to use a gun, which you won't ever have to, you don't have to kill anybody. A shot to disarm your attacker or make them incapable of firing again is all you need to do."

Hesitantly, I took the gun and weighed it in my hand.

"The first incident I had with the Valentino's, Andre briefly showed me how to fire a gun."

"All guns are different, some have more power than others. Knowing how to shoot a gun is different to knowing how to handle one."

He opened the car door and shifted out of his seat, a small twitch of his lip was the only sign of pain he gave away as he sat on the bonnet of the car.

I followed, standing beside him.

"So what do I shoot at?"

"At first, nothing. Then I'll place a bottle of water on the airstrip and see if you can hit it." He gently grabbed hold of my hips and moved me so I was in between his legs. My back to his front.

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