𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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I woke up to the sound of music flowing through the walls, it was old, no doubt Maria's music.

I yawned as I stretched in my bed, standing up I made my way over to the bathroom where I had a long hot shower.

Afterwards, I dressed into a dark blue floral dress, groaning to myself about the heat. Just as I stepped outside of my room I caught sight of Elias leaving his.

He looked tired, no doubt about that but still managed to be undeniably handsome.

"Morning," he said dipping his head slightly

I smiled at him "good morning"

Turning I began my walk in the opposite direction, it didn't take long for Elias to catch up to me with his long strides before slowing down to a pace that matched mine.

"You look tired"

"I'm fine"

I looked up at him with a small smile "I didn't ask how you were, I was just merely stating your appearance"

His eyes widened in surprise slightly as a smile of his own pulled at his lips, he hummed playfully.

"Have Maria's friends already showed up?"

He nodded "they should be in the ballroom"


"What else would you be doing in a ballroom"

I rolled my eyes "yeah, yeah I know, dumb question"

Elias huffed in amusement

"Where are you going?"

"Kitchen, I got hungry"

I nodded with a smile "same"

"Have you spoken to Alessandro at all?" I asked


"How is he?"

"He's alright"

"Next time you should let me talk to him, funny enough I miss him"

"Maybe, we're all quite busy at the moment"

"Yeah I know," I said sighing

Elias glances at me but said nothing to comfort me, and honestly, I expected nothing less. In a way it was reassuring that he said nothing, it showed me he hadn't completely changed suddenly.

It was quiet as we made our way downstairs to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat," I ask walking over to the stove

"Hmm I'll have some French toast"

It wasn't long before both of us were sitting in silence eating our French toast. I swallowed down my food to ask the question I had been wondering about this morning "any idea when we might head back?"

"I texted my mother last night she said we could possibly come back this afternoon"

I nodded "well that's not too bad"

He gave me a single nod

"What's that! You're leaving this afternoon!" Maria said appearing out of nowhere.

Elias nodded "as much as we would want to stay grandmama we must head back as soon as possible"

She huffed "you need to take some time off work Elias and hang out with your family, especially your grandmama. I'm old you fool, I'm not going to be around forever"

He stood having finished his breakfast and walked to the sink which was where Maria was filling a glass jug up with some lemonade.

"I know grandmama I'm sorry," he said kissing her cheek

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