𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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An hour later Elias and I were waiting by the car with a duffel bag each, packed with clothes. Vanessa held both my hands in hers "don't worry about my mother, she's a kind woman. She's just very upfront"

I smiled and laughed lightly before nodding

"Try to have fun while your away" I nodded and pulled her in for a hug

"Thank you"

"Don't worry about it?" she said pulling away

I hopped in the passenger seat of the car as Elias walked over to his mum, pulling her into a tight hug. I turned away to give them some privacy and instead tried to find something interesting in my nails.

A few moments later Elias got into the car and started it, I watched as Vanessa waved at us as we drove down the driveway.

I sighed "so how long are we staying at your Grandma's?"

"Two or three days"

I slightly nodded my head

Both of us ignored what happened in the bathroom, none of us saying anything to fill in the awkward silence.

Like usual I ended up looking outside, trying to see the view in the darkness. But failed mostly seeing there weren't any street lights out here.

I found that the driveway to Elias's grandma's started from a black fence gate, surrounded by tall hedges. The driveway was also gravel and led up to a huge house.

Once Elias stopped in front of the house, he quickly turned around and pulled out a scarf from somewhere in the backseat. He held it out to me and I took it with a confused look.

"Nana doesn't know about what goes on at home, she suspects it though which is why you have to wear this"

I nodded, taking it.

"Why don't you want her to know?"

He shook his head "not me, my mama"

I hummed in understanding as I wrapped the scarf around my neck. Elias sighed and raked his hand through his hair, taking a moment before he stepped out of the car.

I watched as a woman in white silk pyjama's and fluffy shoes came down the stairs as fast as she could. Long black hair falling down her back. Honestly, she looked amazing for her age, which would be around the late sixties or early seventies, instead of being short and stubby she was tall and fit.

I watched from in the car as she pulled Elias in for a big hug, kissing both his cheeks. They talked for a little before I got out of the car and all attention was turned onto me.

I smiled at her "hi I'm-" I was cut off by a bone-crushing hug, after a couple of moments she let go and stepped back to get a better look at me, making me blush.

"My, aren't you a sight to see! I'm glad my grandson had the balls to approach you"

I laughed lightly and blushed harder

"She's not my girlfriend nana she's just a friend"

She rolled her eyes "that's what they all say"

Elias sighed and she grinned

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Maria, I'm Elias's nana"

"I'm Grace," I said shyly

She hummed "yes I've heard a lot about you"

"You have!"

She nodded "Come inside, I've boiled the kettle for a cup of tea"

We walked up the stairs to the entrance to the big mansion, inside where there were three ways to go. To the left or right side or straight ahead. We walked to the left where there was a kitchen and just in the next room was a dining room.

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