𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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He was dressed in his usual attire; an all black suit with his sparkiling Rolex watch. He started at me from a far with a look that held no emotion in them.

Andre and Alessandro stood by his side with the same look Elias had on his face. The image brought tears to my eyes, I called out each one of their names but their expressions did not faulter.

Vanessa and the kids where behind them walking away from me.

"Vanessa" I called feeling frightened. But she didn't turn back, instead she continued her walk with the kids in hand.

"No one will ever love you but me." came Lucas's voice from behind me before his arms snaked around my waist and and mouth, jerking me towards his chest so I was held in place.

I woke up gasping for air, salty liquid pouring down my cheeks onto my lips and chin before fell onto my dress which was now dirty and torn.

Once I caught my breath I wiped my eyes with the back of my palms. The dream was something I hadn't wanted to admit just yet because I knew it scared me more than it should. So I discarded the dream.

My fear spiked up again when I remember what had happened to me.

Mateo! That sick son of a bitch was going to get it from me!

My fear now mixed with my anger as I stood up to look at the familiar room I was in. Memories flooded back and bile fought to rise up my throat, my eyes darted around the room that I shared with Lucus before I had ran away.

My eyes locked onto the body in the corner of the room. Those same frighteningly eyes that sparked fear in me everytime we're trained on me.

I gripped the bed sheets trying my best not give anything I was feeling away.

"Lucus." I said in a strong voice, which came as a surprise to me.

He stood giving me a cruel grin, sending chills down my spine.

"Grace, oh Grace, such a naughty, naughty girl." I bit down on my lip hard enough to draw blood, it was an attempt to stop the tears threatening to spill but when he placed his hand on my knee they ran freely.

I knew as he stared at me with that look in his eyes I wasn't going to make it out of here alive. I was going to die by the hand of this cruel bastard.

I just hope Elias would find my body and keep his promise.

Suddenly Lucas stretched his arm out and grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked it towards him, causing me to cry out and follow the movements of my hair that was in his tight grasp. I fell off of the bed and onto the floor in a bow before him.

With his free hand he viciously grabbed my chin and jerked it upwards to look at him.

"Your are mine. Do you understand. You are mine and mine only." he growled loudly, gripping my jaw tighter and tighter.

I let out a small whine as the pain began to get unbearable. But I would not go down with out a strike. So I grinned at him "Yours, are you really sure about that."

This earned me a hard slap to my face "you slut." he spat.

As much as it hurt to keep the grin on my face I looked up at him with it still intact, just to spite him.

He threw my head onto the ground and began to kick my stomach continuously, giving me no time to recover from each one, when he finished I was coughing and gasping in a fight to get air down into my lungs.

"They don't love you. Otherwise they would be watching you ever second and you wouldn't be here."

I glared at him, a glare that could send someone to hell if possible.

"N-no only y-you would watch me every second. T-they trust me." I said between gasps and small sobs.

He grabbed a first full of hair and pulled my head up, pushing me square in the jaw. Sending me spiraling down into a deep darkness.

The next time I woke up was because of cold water being thrown at me, only for Lucus's abuse to continue.

He had left me in a pool of my own blood, bleeding from my nose. I laid on the floor crying as I held myself, starting at the blood that was seeping into the expensive carpet.

I stayed there for the remainder on the day, not being able to sleep from the fear of Lucas possibly coming in.

The next morning Lucas entered the room to find me in the same position on the floor. I tried my best to kick him as he came closer to me, I managed to land a kick on his lower region which made him groan and clutch onto the area, I took this as my chance to stand and run for the door, ignoring the excruciating pain in my body.

But there was a tug on my ball gown before I was throw back across the room to slam into the wall with great force. I dropped to the floor, from all the air leaving me from the force of the impact.

I watched helplessly as he stalked over to me, growling almost. I tried to throw punches at him but it was only a mere distraction before the inevitable happened. He grabbed my throat and pulled me up to my feet before slamming my head back into the wall before holding me there in place and placing a soft kiss on my lips all while I screamed and sobbed.

I hated myself, I hated how helpless I was. A damsel in fucking distress. It wouldn't matter how much I screamed or cried, it wouldn't change the fact that I was going to die.

I wouldn't expect Elias or anyone to find me. I didn't care if they were in one of the biggest most toughest mafia's in the world, who would find me here, how would they find me here.


Sorry for the short chapter but this is just something for you all. xo

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