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Megan smiled to herself as she woke up next to Simon. She was happy that they were back together and that they were making it work. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him.

He groaned as he woke up and pulled her close as he kissed her back. She smirked into the kiss as he rolled over so that he was on top of her. He ran his hands up her thighs causing her to moan

"so is this how ill wake up to you every morning" he asked as Megan looked to him and smirked

"maybe, if your a good boy" she said as he chuckled into the kiss. He pulled her close and smirked as he ran his up her thighs as the kiss got more passionate. Her hand slid into his boxers teasing him as he pulled her close as he pulled off the pair of shorts that she was wearing before he pushed into her causing her to moan.

She moaned as she felt every inch of him. She missed him. She missed him more than she thought that she would.

She ran her hands through his hair as he started to move in and out of her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. Megan moaned as she felt herself reach her high as he followed her

He pulled out of her and rolled over beside her as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close and smiled as he kissed her forehead and smiled as he held her close as she lay in his arms

"so I have been thinking that now we are back together what do you think over getting reengaged" Simon asked as Megan looked to him and smirked

"depends are you going to ask me again" she said as he looked to her and smirked as they held a look

"hold that thought" he said as he stood from the bed and walked over to his case that he hadn't finished unpacking since moving back in. He grabbed the ring megan had thrown back at him and smiled as he got down in one knee

"Megan. The love of my life will you do me the honour of marrying me again" she asked as she looked to him and smirked as she grabbed his Face in her hands and kissed him passionately

"damn right I will" Megan said


Megan got to work and walked into the staffroom and smiled as she saw aria. Aria looked to Megan and smiled

"how's things"aria asked as Megan looked to her and smiled

"good, they're really good. Simon moves back in and we got reengaged. After everything I feel it's what we need to move forwards as a couple and to be happy" Megan said as aria looked to her and smiled

"you deserve it to be happy, I know that your worried about it going wrong but you and Simon are good together you are both so much happy together and it will work out and it will be okay. I know that it will" aria said as Megan looked to aria and smiled.

She was happy and she felt that aria could be right about it. She was going to be Mrs lowsley and nothing was going to stop her


Megan stood in her classroom and started to prepare for her class as Allie walked in. Megan looked to her and frowned

"so I hear that you and Simon are back together is that a good idea" she asked as Megan looked to her and glared

"yes I do, I love simon and he loves me and we are perfect together and if you want to continue being my mother then you will support me and keep out of my relationship with Simon or you can do one I'm not bothered either way" Megan said as she turned her back in Allie. Megan wasn't going to let anything come between her and Simon, not this time.

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