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Megan knew she and Simon were married. She knew how it was simple and quick. And she loved that. But part of her wished that they had a proper wedding.

She knew that she loved him. She knew that she wanted it to work. She knew all they had been through. And she was worried that all they had been through would be all for nothing.

She knew that things were going well for them both. And it was what she needed. She had been through so much. An easy life was what she needed.

Megan felt like her life was finally coming together. And all the bad she had been through was finally behind her.

all she knew was that she was going to keep on making it work. If not for her, then for her family too.

Morning came and so Megan made her way into the living room. She smiled. "Morning."

"Hey. You sleep okay?" Simon asked as he pulled her onto the sofa.

Megan nodded. "I would have slept better if you were in bed with me."

Simon smirked and winked. "Well Maisey woke up. So I had to wake up with her. You needed your sleep."

"You saying I'm ugly?" Megan joked as she kissed him.

Simon shrugged. "Not at all. You're gorgeous," he told her with a smile.

Megan was about to speak when Maisey babbled. She went to pick her up and held her close. "Oh I love you my girl."

Simon smiled as he looked over to his wife with their daughter. He was lucky. He knew he was lucky.

Megan had changed his life. Having Maisey had been the making of him.

Megan and Simon went into work. Simon kissed her and walked off. Megan walked over to aria and smiled. "Hey. You okay?"

Aria nodded. "Max and I were arguing all night. I'm tired. But I know he's been screwing someone else. He won't tell me who she is. And I want to find out who she is."

"Why would he cheat on you? You're stunning."

"Beats me. He clearly doesn't think that. I can't be bothered anymore. I'm the mother of his child. And he treats me like this," Aria said.

Megan took her hand. She looked to her. "You know I'm here for you. I promise."


Megan walked into to Simon's classroom. She looked to him and sat on the desk. "So I've been thinking. Maybe we should have a party. To celebrate our wedding," she said.

Simon looked to her. He nodded and smiled. "Sounds good. I want to make you happy. So if this makes you happy, then let's do it," he said.

"Babe. It's not just about me. It's about the both of us. So if you want this, I want it too."

Simon stood between her legs. He kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Megan was sitting in the staffroom. She looked to see Max as he walked in. She smiled. "You messed up huh?" She asked.

Max nodded. "I did."

"She'll come round. I know Aria. And she'll come round," Megan said as looked to him.

Megan knew she was finally in a good place with Simon. But would it stay the same after his parents came to visit?

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