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Megan woke up and yawned. She frowned to herself as she saw that the bed was empty and that Simon wasn't there. She was confused as she saw a note and sighed as she saw that he had gone off to a meeting with Karen. She sighed and stood from the bed and decided to have a shower before work since that she had more time than she thought. After showering, Megan sat on the edge of the bed towel drying her hair as she sent Simon a text asking him if he wanted to do something later and placed her phone back on the side as she finished getting ready for work.

Megan walked into work and met up with Aria in the staffroom. Aria smiled at her "you okay?" aria asked "me? im fine" Megan said as she ran her hands through her hair "where's Simon?" aria asked "he had an early meeting with Karen he was gone before I even woke" Megan said as aria frowned "what?" Megan asked "well, I've just been to the office to drop my things off and Karen isn't in either and I don't think I saw Simons car in the car park" Aria said as Megan frowned. She felt as if he was lying to her and she didn't lie the feeling she was getting "im sure its nothing meg, trust me" aria said "its him, im starting not to trust" Megan said as she sipped on her cup of coffee.


Megan sat In her classroom as Simon walked in. She looked up at him and glared at him "what?" he asked "nothing" she said as she started to grabbed the books for her lesson off of the shelf and shared them out. Simon sighed to himself. "are you going to tell me what I've done, or are you going to go moody Mary on me?" Simon asked as Megan slammed down the books  she was holding and glared at him "don't you dare Simon, don't even ty and turn this around on me and claim im an emotional wreck. Where were you this morning? who is she?" Megan asked as Simon frowned at her "what? you think im cheating on you, id never do that Megan. I love you okay, I was planning a surprise for you that's all" Simon said as he walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulder and smiled at her. She looked at him for a moment as if she was trying to read him, as if she was trying to tell if he was lying or not. Megan sighed "im sorry" she said "no, don't be" he said as he pulled her into a hug.


Megan walked into the staffroom as tom smiled at her "you don't look well, are you okay?" tom asked as she smiled "im fine tom, im just tired" Megan said as he smiled. Aria handed her a coffee and Megan smiled "you look like you could need it" Aria said as Megan sat down. She rubbed her forehead "have you still got that headache?" aria asked "yeah, its called Simon" Megan said as aria laughed "have you spoke to him?" she asked as Megan sighed "there's something going on, I know hes not telling me something" Megan said as aria smiled "he wouldn't cheat he loves you" aria said as Megan smiled "were meant to be getting married in a few months for crying out loud, talking of which would you like to e my maid of honour?" Megan asked as aria smiled "really? I mean, of course I do" aria said as he door opened and Simon came in. He paled as he looked to mean as a woman with red hair followed him in. Mega stood up and walked over to him "Simon, what's going on? who's this?" Megan asked "im sue, im Simon's wife" she said as Megan felt her heart break. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, Simon, her fiancée was married.

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