Hospital trip and awkward hotel conversation

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Jack J's POV

The only thought going through my head was guilt. He's gonna dump me. I know he is. As I was driving cameron was just looking out of the window, I didn't want to disturb him so I left him to it. I turned the radio up slightly so I could hear it more clearly and so that it could cover the sound of my thoughts. What if someone was telling Jack right now? I'm going to be so hurt. It wasn't my fault was it?
I pulled into one of the parking spaces and stopped the car. I turned my head to look at cameron who was now looking out the windshield.
'You ready to do this?' I asked
'I guess so.' Cameron replied. I squeezed his hand gently before we both got out of the car and walked up to the entrance of the hospital. As soon as we were inside I could smell the disinfectant. The smell itself was enough to give me a banging head ache.
'His bed is this way.' Cameron said, leading me up two flights of stairs and into one of the more private wards. We opened the door quietly before I approached Nash's bed. Cameron hung back by the waiting area.
'Hey nash." I said as I walked towards him. He smiled to me and put up his hand for a high five.
'Hey jack.' He said, he rarely called me Jack so it was nice to hear.
'How have you been feeling.' I asked
'I've had good days and bad days. Today was a bad day I guess.' He replied
'Why?whats up?'
'I found out that I could be permanently paralysed from the waist downwards. I'd be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. That's not the bit that bothers be, that doesn't bother me at all.' He said
'What bothers you then?'
'The fact I broke up with cameron.'
'What! Why?' I pretended to act surprised so that it didn't seem like cameron had told me.'
'He hasn't told you? I suppose it is my job too.'
'Why did you break up?'
'I don't want him havin to care for me for the rest of my life. He doesn't deserve that.'
'What do you mean?'
'I won't be able to do anything for myself Jack, I'm going to have to have help to do everything and cameron doesn't deserve to have to look after me, he should be with someone who can look after him. As much as it broke my heart to do Jack I felt it had to be done.'
'That would be why he was crying when he came back to the hotel earlier, he was so down nash.' I said and I pulled a chair up to the side of Nash's bed.
'Was he? I feel so bad already and I've hardly done anything. If he understood why I did it do you think he'd be less upset.' Nash asked
'No, I think hat would make him understand you nash, he loves you, you breaking up with him for any reason is going to break his heart. Maybe you should speak to him, get his opinion.' I suggested and he nodded his head.
'Is he here?' He asked.
'Yes, would you like me to go and get him?' I asked
Nash nodded so I stood up and went to find cameron, he was sat in a chair scrolling through his Twitter feed, he looked up at me with an half smile.
'Go on in, he wants to speak to you.' I said and cameron stood up
'Are you going to come back in?' He asked
'No, I think this conversation is one that should stay between you and nash.' I replied and Cameron walked slowly into Nash's room.

Jack G's POV

Everyone was staring at taylor, who had he kissed to make Shawn say that?
'Not now Shawn.' Taylor said
'What not now? Don't you think all your friends deserve to know what a dirty little cheater you are?' Shawn said spitefully, I'd never seen him this way before, it made him seem kind of psycho.
'Not now Shawn.' Taylor said more hurried this time.
'Who did you kiss taylor?' Hayes asked him.
'It doesn't matter, forget Shawn said anything.' He replied
'Was it one of us?' Matt asked
'What do you mean?' Taylor said
'Well, was it someone from Magcon?' Matt asked
'Yes.' Taylor replied and he looked down towards the floor.
'Are you going to tell them who it was taylor? Or are you too much of a coward.' Shawn said
'It was Jack.' Taylor said quietly but enough for everyone to look at me. But when I looked like I was about to cry that's when they realised they had the wrong Jack.
'Did you initiate it taylor?' Shawn asked
'Yes, Jack tried to push me away but I forced him. I'm so sorry Gilinsky.' Taylor pleaded with me.
'Don't call me Gilinsky, it's Jack.' I said. Taylor looked from me back to the floor.
'I'm going to go and get in the bath.' Taylor said and he left the room. I decided to follow closely behind, I wanted to speak to him about what he had done. He opened his hotel room door but he let it shut behind him itself, so i took hold of it and snuck in quietly behind him. I shut the door behind me and walked to the bathroom where taylor had gone.
'So is this your punishment?' I asked him
'Sleeping in the bath? No it's a sex thing Shawn and I like to do. Of course it's my punishment.' Taylor replied sassily
'Don't get sassy with me, you kissed my boyfriend again!' I raised my voice at him which I'm pretty sure could be heard from a few rooms away.
'Don't shout at me Jack, you scare me when you're angry. I remember when you hit Johnson when you were drunk and angry.' Taylor said
'I meant it taylor, shut up and explain to me why you did it.'
'I don't even know Jack. Jack seems easy to manipulate and he has no muscle so I can hold him down. He's always around at the wrong time.' Taylor replied
'Stay away from him taylor.' I said sincerely before going to my room and eagerly waiting for Jack to return.

(Sorry this update took so long. I've been focusing on getting my personal YouTube channel up and running. It's now running and I have a video up already. My channel name is Annaa Peake if you want to check it out, I have got another video going up later today or tomorrow so check that out too.

I love you all xxxxxxxxxxxx)

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