Going home

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Jack G's POV

I looked down the plane and I could hear him rapping quietly, I needed to get to him. I tried to stand up but Amanda grabbed my arms.

'Where are you going Jackie?' She asked

'I don't know, where is Jackie going?'

'Stop being silly Jackie.'

'No I'm Jack. JACK. JA AH ACK .

'I know baby.'

'Then call me Jack and not Jackie and I'm going to the toilet.'


I shook my arms out of her grasp and started singing distance to myself. I walked down the opposite side of the plane to where Jack should be sat so I could surprise him. I looked over and saw him, straddling a sleeping Taylor. I walked round the plane and headed towards him, as he stood up he fell and landed straight in my arms.


'Hey bro.'

'It wasn't what it looked like.'

'What with Taylor.'


'I wasn't going to ask anyway, if you get with Taylor it's none of my business.'

'Im not with Taylor.'


'Really. He's not my type.'

Jack stood up straight and looked me in the eye, him being shorter than me made it all the more cute. I looked at Taylor who had curled up in his plane seat.

'Look, Jack, I'm sorry,' I said


'Im sorry for leaving you, can I make up for it tonight?'

'Sure, I'm free, except from the fact Taylor is staying.'

'Hes an animal he can go find some girl to try and sleep with.'

'Guy, he'd rather get a guy, a Shawn guy to be exact.'

'Right, look Jack, when you hung up on me, I was upset. I was going to tell you that I was with Amanda, but I was going to tell you two other things aswell.'

'What are they? She's pregnant?'

'No. I was going to say I'm sorry and I love you,'

'Jack you're forgiven alright now leave it. I'll meet you tonight by my house at six thirty is evening, '

Jack pushed past me on the plane and walked towards the toilet, I stood, looking around for something interesting. I was about to walk away when Taylor grabbed my hand. I looked down at him and he looked at me.

'That was a really stupid thing to do.' He said


'Well I told you he was crying earlier. I found him, he was gonna leave. Then he told me why he was crying. It was all because of you Jack. He loves you and you let him down. That's not what best friends do.'

'I know I know and I'm really sorry.'

'Sometimes sorry just doesn't cut what you've done to someone.'

'Im taking him out for a best friend evening tonight.'

'Good. And don't you dare ditch him or I will get every single boy on you.'

'Oh wow cuz Aaron and Hayes would hurt.'

'Hayes can pack a punch.'

'Whatever, I won't ditch him tonight, I promise you Taylor.'

Jack J's POV

I sat in the aeroplane toilet looking at the door, it was so small and confined I couldn't think properly. Jack had been an ass to me but I was being a little child about this really. I mean, I have done some stupid shit in the past. I did my business before flushing the plane toilet and running out of the bathroom because the sound scared me. I went back to my chair and I saw that Taylor was awake and Jack wasn't there. I straddled Taylor again to get back in my chair and he winked at me. I sat on him for a few minutes before actually getting back into my chair.

'Well this is kinky.' Taylor said to me

'Hmm, maybe that's how I want it to be.'

'That sounds like a proposal.'

'Maybe it was a proposal, maybe that's how I wanted it to be.'

'Jack this sounds like you're coming on to me,'

'Maybe I am.'

I leant down and kissed him lightly on the nose before getting back into my chair, he was smiling and blushing like an embarrassed school girl. I fell asleep for the rest of the flight which was fine, because when I woke up, it was time to get off. I walked to baggage claim with Taylor and it could see Jack with Amanda on the other side of the conveyabelt. Some girls were screaming at the end so Taylor and I walked over to them.

'Hello girls.' Taylor said, they all screamed even louder.

'Oh my gosh! Taylor Caniff I love you!' One of the girls said.

'I love you too' Taylor told her, kissing her on the cheek. We signed some of the girls things before our stuff was ready to be grabbed. Taylor got the bags and I stood at the end. Amanda kept giving me a death stare and I ignored her, then when I looked at her again she mouthed "faggot" to me. It feels good knowing secrets about someone's boyfriends that they don't know. Taylor called a cab and we got in it before we went back to my house. I unlocked the door and my mom was smiling at me.

'Hello sweetie.' She said to me. 'Oh, and hello...'

'Taylor.' Taylor said, holding out his hand to be shaken.

'Of course, Taylor.' My mom shook his hand. 'Did you have a good time?'

'Not really mom.' I said, she just looked at me and I just shook my head. I grabbed Taylor's bags and took them upstairs. He followed closely behind me. I opened the door to my bedroom and threw all our stuff down on the floor before shutting the door and jumping in my bed.

'So, what shall we do?' I asked Taylor

'Well I know what I want to do' he said before climbing on top of me...

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