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Matts POV
*flashback to the night before*
"I made a huge mistake." Carter said yo me softly. He gently placed his fingers on my cheeks. I went red under his touch.
"You can't make it right now." I said, looking down at the floor.
"You know I can." he replied. He tilted my head up so he could see my face more clearly. "I'm still in love with you. I always will be." He spoke softly. I could feel myself leaning in when the door was knocked on. Carter and I both ignored it. His lips gently met mine, I missed the taste of his lips. He kissed so well.
"Have you missed me?" Carter asked when we finally pulled apart.
"You already know the answer." I said before pushing Carter onto the bed.
Jack G's POV
Jack and I walked away from Carter and into the main part of the building. Jack led me down some stairs towards a basement area. It was lit up well and was modern, just how I like rooms.
'What do you suppose happened with Carter and Matt?' Jack asked me.
'Dunno bro.' I said and I shrugged my shoulders. Jack lightly sighed before he turned around to look at some of the CDs in the box of CDs. I walked up behind him and wrapped ,y arms around his waist from behind. As we stood I began to dot light kisses on his neck and cheek. I could feel his skin getting warmer where he was blushing.
'You like that?' I asked with a smirk from over his shoulder
'You know it.' Jack replied, spinning round in my arms so that we could actually kiss properly. The kiss was. Getting more and ,ore intense when we were broken up by the sound of someone clearing their throat. We looked at the door and saw mahogany stood there with her eyebrows raised.
'Can't leave you two alone for five minutes can we? You're all over each other.' She laughed.
'Well,me hem your boyfriend is as irresistible as Jack...' Jack said and I pulled him close to my side.
'Aww, don't tell the others but Jolinsky is ,y OTP.' ,mahogany said before she started to look at the same CDs Jack had just been looking at.
'Well leave you in peace.' We told mahogany. We walked back up the stairs and found Shawn and Taylor looking on the floor at something. As we approached we saw that some of the ceiling plaster had fallen down.
'When did that happen?' Jack asked
'Like two minutes ago. It could have killed me.' Taylor, said. Over dramatising the situation.
'No you couldn't. You were no where near it.' Shawn said.
'Could have killed someone.' Taylor said in all seriousness. I looked at Jack and he just rolled his eyes.
'To be fair he has a point.' Nash said. Coming out of the bathroom closely followed by cameron.
'I don't feel safe in here.' Taylor announced
'Bro none of us do.' Jack spoke up. I looked down at him and he smiled
'I am just waiting for an accident to happen around here.' Cameron said and we all nodded our head in agreement.
'Maybe one of us should tell Bart or Chad about this?' Shawn said and we agreed. 'I'll do it if you want.' He added. Jack pulled on my hand and led me down some stairs and out of the building.
'What bro?' I asked when we were outside.
'Cameron has bruises.' Jack said to me
'What?' I asked, confused as to what he meant. 'What bruises.'
'When we go back inside look at the bottom of Camerons sleeves, and look at his neck and collar bone.' He said
'Neck and collar bone could be hickeys.' I said
'Yeah I suppose but look at his wrists Jack.' He said just as Nash came outside.
'Dudes Bart said he might have to cancel the show.' Nash announced
'Why?' I asked
'Because he doesn't think it's safe enough here to have loads of people in it as well as us. If not we'll have to reschedule or something. I don't want fans to go without seeing us.' He said and I agreed.
'I'm sure the fans would rather be alive and not see us than be dead and risk it.' Jack said dryly and I couldn't help but laugh at him.
'You'd be surprised.' Cameron said, coming through the doors to join us. I casually managed to look down at his wrists, I see what Jack mean about the bruising, it was quite obvious, no womder he's wearing sweaters.
'What do you mean?' Jack asked
'Well you get the extreme fans who'd literally kill to see you, so some might want to risk chancing death just to meet us.' Cameron said, I tried to look at the bruising on his wrist more clearly but he caught me and pulled the sleeves down further on his sweater. What's going on?

(Hey guys,
Just a quick update on my life for anyone that reads my authors notes
I have a youtube channel called Calanna x with my boyfriend and we have posted some videos so go check them out if you get a chance.
I just redecorated my room and it looks really cute and girly now. Just how I wanted it and I have the cutest pug picture on my wall.
Finally, I've been with my boyfriend 6 months on Tuesday and I want to do something to celebrate it, what do you guys suggest? Leave a comment for me
Also go follow me on Twitter my names @annaa_peake
I love you all
Annaa xxxxxx)

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