The beach

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Jack J's POV

'Jack what are you doing?' I asked as Jack walked towards me with a devilish grin on his face
'You won't feel a thing.' Jack said and I laughed ' what's so funny?' He asked
'I won't feel a thing. Is that cuz you're dick is so small?' I said jokingly and Jack threw a pillow at me
'Less of that talk mister.' Jack said
'You love it Jack, don't deny it.' I said and I winked, Jack jumped on me from the spot he was at and my back went flat against the bed. Jack started to kiss my neck and down the front of my shirt. He pulled it off in one swift movement and started to kiss down my body. He got to the waistband of my shorts and pushed two if his fingers inside them whilst slowly kissing down my snail trail. His kisses got harder and more rapid the closer he got to the waistband and when he reach the waistband he pulled my shorts down quickly and took my dick in his mouth. I moaned at the sudden surge of pleasure that rushed through my body. He slowly began to bob his head up and down whilst using his tongue to work the tip of my dick, I couldn't keep the moans in. Jack deep throated me before bobbing his head again which made me moan too, he just had a way with me. After a while he released me from his mouth and then I realised that I had released myself into his mouth. Jack looked at me and swallowed.
'Could be worse.' He said commenting on my flavour. I laughed and Jack flipped me over forcefully.
I heard him grab a bottle of something from the side drawer of the bed and he then pushed two of his fingers inside me. I bit the pillow to keep in any screams that were about to escape from my lips.
'Breathe slowly and deeply.' Jack said whilst adding another finger which made me want to scream even more. He slowly began moving his fingers deeper and deeper inside me until they could go no further, I felt him remove them and then adjust his position on the bed. I was about to ask what he was doing when I felt him push his dick inside me which made me scream and I didn't cover it up. The pain was unbelievable but as Jack pushed in and out slowly the pain soon started to turn into pleasure, pleasure that made me a moaning and sweaty mess on the bed in front of him. He kissed my neck whilst pushing in and out and he bit my ear which also made me moan.
'Jack I'm about to-' Jack said and I felt him release inside me. He quickly pulled out from me and ran into the bathroom to clean himself off. I turned to flip myself back the right way but I felt like my legs were lead and I couldn't move them.
'Jack.' I shouted and he peeped round the door of the bathroom
'Yeah babe?' He said
'I can't fucking move.' I said and he laughed.
'Teach you for saying that my dick was too small Jack Johnson.' He said with a smirk before he emerged from the bathroom smelling fresh and moving around with no issues. He came over to my side of the bed and lifted me up and stood me on the floor. As soon as he let go my legs almost buckled beneath me. Jack held my hand as he got me changed and ready for the beach, the pain was still searing through me. Jack grabbed the door keys to our room and helped me outside into the corridor. Out there was jacob and Taylor who were waiting for Shawn, Aaron
And Hayes who were looking at something on Aaron's phone and Nash was stood with Carter and Matt who had bags and bags of food in their hands.
'Wheres Mags and Cam?' Hayes asked
'Its a Cameron to you.' Nash said
'Fine. Where's Mags and Cameron?' Hayes asked again'
'They went out for a walk earlier. They probably bumped into each other and lost track of the time.' Aaron said and just as he finished his sentence Mahogany and Cameron walked round the corner and onto our corridor.
'Hey guys.' Mahogany said, she was very enthusiastic and happy until she saw Jacob. Then he face changed and she hid behind Matt and Carter. Cameron ran straight to Nash and Nash hugged him tightly. You could see Hayes' face turn green with envy. He just needed to see that Aaron was all he needed.
'Whos ready for the beach then?' Carter asked. We all ran down the corridor making a lot of noise as we did so and the noise continued as we made our way out of the hotel and toward the beach. Luckily it was only a short walk. Once there, Mahogany took off her clothes so she has in a swimsuit and she ran straight into the sea with Cameron and Nash closely behind. Carter and Matt were helping each other put chairs and blankets out for everyone to sit on and Jacob was sat on a rock watching Mahogany. Taylor and Shawn were making sand angels and Jack and. I were stood looking at all out friends. I decided to walk over to Jacob so I did and I sat down beside him. He looked and me and smiled softly.
'You should talk to her.' I said to him.
'I wouldn't know what to say.' He replied
'Just tell her how you feel.'
'She won't care,'
'Yes she will. It will sound better coming from you directly and not through a tablet.'
'What if she just walks away.'
'Then she would have walked away from one of the nicest people she could ever meet.'
'What if she never speaks to me again?'
'Then that's her loss. Jacob, you can't spend your life worrying about whether the girl you like loves you or not. You need to tell her how you feel. Take Cameron and Nash, they were brilliant friends and then Nash said he loved Cameron and Cameron said he loved Nash and they're happily together now, you and Mahogany can be the same Jacob. You just have to believe it.' I said
'You really think she'll listen.'
'Yes.' I said and jacob stood up and took of his shirt. He ran down to the sea and grabbed mahogany around the waist. He whispered into her ear and she nodded at him. Jacob took her hand and walked up the beach with her. They were talking as they walked. Halfway up the beach they stopped walking and Mahogany fell to the floor.

Mahogany's POV

I was in the sea playing with Cam and. Nash when Jacob ran in and grabbed me. I turned to face him, seeing as things hadn't been right between us for the week and he whispered into my ear.
'Will you take a walk with me?' He asked and I nodded to him. He grabbed my hand and walked with me up the beach. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like him holding my hand because in truth I loved it.
'So about us.' He said
'What bout it?' I asked
'Im sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did over FaceTime. I should have told you to your face.'
'Jake, it's fine honestly. I overreacted.'
no, you had every right to do what you did. But it was all true. I love you, and I've been in love with you for a very long time. All I want to do is grown old with you and start a family with you, you and I, we have a connection and I have never had a connection with someone before. You make me feel things differently, you make me feel happy and you don't even have to be in the room, you're always in my head and heart and you're there because, I've never felt this way about anyone else before you, and now I know why and that's because I'm in love with you and I've never been in love before.' Jacob said to me. I didn't know what to say, I was in shock. I didn't know I could mean that much to someone. I collapsed onto the floor and jacob quickly got down beside me.
'Are you ok?' He asked
'Im fine, just, shocked I suppose.' I said
'I love you Mags,' Jacob said. He stood up and turned to walk back to the others. I watched him walk for a bit before I stood up and ran after him. When I caught up to him I shouted his name and he turned around, I jumped into his arms and looked him straight in the eye. Without realisign it I had too fallen in love with Jacob Whitesides.
'I love you too,' I said to him. He smiled from ear to ear before slowly moving in for an awkward first kiss. I could hear people awwing around us and when we got back to our friends, Taylor shouted
'Well in bro!' Which caused him to get a hit in the chest from Shawn 'I've still got the best though.' Taylor said which made us all laugh
'Hey I'm not that bad!' Shawn said which made us all laugh again.
Jacob and I at down on the beach beside Taylor and Shawn, the Jack's were with us too. We were watching Nash and Cameron in the sea, splashing each other and getting each other wet. Carter and Matt were in the sea too but they were further away from Cam and. Nash.
'What do you guys think then?' Taylor asked
'Think of what?' Jack J replied
'Carter and Matt, yay or nay?' He said
'Yay.' We all shouted.
'Fair enough. Matts gonna enjoy sex with Carter that's all I can say.' Taylor said and all our attention turned to him 'what?' He asked.
'How do you know that?' Jack g asked
'He has a giant penis. I used to share a room with him before I got closer to Shawn and I often saw Carter come out of the shower completely naked as he forgot I was in the room. His dick is immense in size.'
'Lets hope Matt can take it.' Jacob said
'Well Jack was able to take me.' Jack G said
'We heard,' Taylor replied and he rolled his eyes 'I'm guessing you enjoyed it JJ.' He said
'Indeed I did.' Jack J replied.

Matts POV

'So what do you want to do about us?' Carter asked
'Well shall we date or something?' I said
'Keep it low key though, only the boys and Mags should know.'
'Yeah, obviously. '
'Can we kiss?' Carter asked
'Of course we can.' I replied and Carter blushed.
'I love you Matt,'
'And I love you Carter,'
I took a few hard steps towards Carter and he took a few towards me. He took both of his hands in mine and leant in for our first kiss. Our lisp were so close I could almost feel them. I went in the last bit if the way when the moment was ruined by Cameron splashing us with water
'Not in the sea children.' He said and he laughed, carter and I let go of each other's hands and chased Cameron around the sea. He hid behind Nash so carter and I started to splash Nash as well and splashed us back, we were doing this for a while when Carter and ai were getting splashed from behind, from there I saw Taylor and Shawn who were getting Carter and. I and the Jack's were in the other side of Nash and Cameron. Mahogany and Jacob joined in after a while and we all spent the evening soaking each other in the sea. We were all having so much fun until Aaron and Hayes arrived, bringing the worst news we had ever heard.

(Hi guys, I hope you like this chapter.

There's a favour I'd like to ask you all to do.
One of my lovely readers has started to write an amazing story and I'd love it if you could all go and have a look at it.
It's called Who I Am (my life) and it's amazing. The profile of the author is YourEverything15 and I'd appreciate it if you took the time to check out her story.

Once again thank you all for reading, this is one of my favourite fan fics to write and I hope you like it.

If any of you want to, you can follow me or add me on

Snapchat - annax_tw
Twitter - tw_anna_parker (Nash follows)
Instagram - annaa_peake or camdallastagram
Vine - Annaa Peake

I LOVE YOU ALL ~ Anna xxxx)

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