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Jack G's POV

I woke up in the morning and Jack wasn't by my side. I rolled over and looked at the alarm clock beside me, it was 11:00. Jack was gonna be so pissed that I had laid in so late. I stretched my arms out above my head. I pulled back the covers and stood up out of bed, still in the clothes I was wearing yesterday. I took all my clothes off so that I was just stood in my boxers.

I opened our door and went out into the lounge. I was expecting to see Jack sat on the sofa watching TV or playing on the Xbox but he wasn't there. Maybe cameron and him had gone out to get some food or something. I opened the cupboards and made myself a cup of tea because that's what I felt like this morning. I heard a noise coming from Camerons room so I grabbed a rolling pin and opened Camerons door slowly. Jack and cameron were sat on Camerons bed, Jack was snuggled into Camerons shoulder and cameron was stroking jacks head. I sighed before shutting the door slowly, neither of them had seen me.

I went and sat on the sofa myself and sent a text to Amanda making sure everything was ok at home and whether she slept well. She replied almost instantly.
From Amanda 💁
Yes thanks bbe, and thank you for a great evening x

I smiled before sending her a reply. Jack came out of Camerons room a few moments later, his eyes were red and puffy from where he had been crying, I wonder why?

'Baby are you ok?' I asked him. He looked over to me and came and sat beside me.

'Do I look ok to you Jack?' He said, his voice was coarse from the tears.

'What's wrong? Speak to me.' I asked him

'Maybe I would have spoken to you if you had been around Jack. Maybe I need you right now. I haven't had chance to get over one of my closest friends dying because I'm caring for his boyfriend. Maybe now I want my boyfriend but you're off out all the time. Im Trying to be strong for cameron but because you I don't know whether I can anymore. I saw you yesterday, at the bank with Amanda, don't lie to me I know where that money has gone. Just tell me why Jack. I know.'

'She needed my help ok. I didn't tell you about it because I knew how you'd react.' I exclaimed. Jack just looked at me

'So you're keeping secrets from me now Jack? After everything we've been through and now you go crawling back to her. I saw you in the cafe yesterday too. I know Jack.'

'She almost lost everything.'

'Do you wanna know what it's like to lose everything?' Jack said angrily. He stood up and grabbed so,e bin liners from the cupboard and started packing all of my things into the sacks. I stood up and tried to stop him but when he was done he threw everything out of the window. 'Get out Jack. I never want to see you again. This is the final straw.' Jack said. I looked at him and he opened the front door for me. I left with my head hanging. He shut the door, he didn't even look back.

Jack J's POV

As soon as Jack had gone j burst into tears, but instead of hanging onto my feelings I went online and found some things for Nash's funeral seeing as we had a few days to get everything sorted. Cameron came out of his room washed and dressed.

'Did you do it?' He asked. I looked at him and nodded. He came and sat beside me and we spent the rest of the day deciding on Nash's funeral arrangements. Everything was all set and ready to go.

'Shall we send out invites?' I asked, cameron nodded so we went on photoshop and started to make our own invitation message photos. We had merged lots of photos of nash together so that it was a little collage of his life. We put a small one of nash and cameron in the bottom corner because we didn't want people to judge the service.

'I love them.' Cameron said to me, his face looked like he had been holding in the tears, but it wouldn't surprise me seeing as we were looking through photos of his dead boyfriend. I missed him a lot but I knew cameron missed him more.

'That's all that matters cameron. As long as it's how you want it.' I said to him with a smile. I pulled him into a tight hug and he cried into my shoulders.

'You're a great friend to me, and thanks for letting me move in.' Cameron said, full of thanks. I smiled at him and then clicked print on the printer.

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