At the pool

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Jack J's POV

We got back to the hotel and I followed Jack up to our room. The rooms had been split like they normally are, Cam and Nash, Carter and Matt, Hayes and Aaron, Taylor and Shawn and Jack and I. Mahogany had her own room and it was only going to be us 11 for this Magcon. When Jack and I got into our room he threw all his bags onto his bed that he chose as his own.
'So.' He said to me
'What are we going to do about us Jack?' He asked
'I don't know.'
'I want there to be an us Jack.'
'So do I.'
'Then why don't we do it? Us, be together I mean, not, it.'
'I want us to be together Jack but will we work? You said you wanted to wait a while. I won't be able to handle it if we go wrong.'
'We won't Jack, we won't I promise you. And I don't want to wait anymore.'
'Youve made a lot of promises,'
'I know. But I won't break any of them Jack I promise.'
I laughed quietly. 'Ok.'
Jack stood up from on his bed and walked to where I was standing by the bathroom. He stood less than a metre away from me and he smiled so I smiled back. He raised one of his hands and put it to behind my neck, playing with the hair that was there. With his other hand he caressed my cheek. It felt nice having him touch me. He leant down and kissed my forehead like he does sometimes. When he moved back he saw that I was smiling so he went to kiss my cheek. I let him and when he moved back I pulled his head down so his lips came and met mine. He instantly shut his eyes and I did the same, the kiss was soft but passionate. Jack licked my lip gently with his tongue so I allowed him inside my mouth. Our tongues tangled together. Time must have flown by quickly because the next thing we both knew was when Carter opened our door and gasped at us.
'I just wanted to see if you guys wanted to go to the pool. But if you're busy it doesn't matter.' Carter said
'No it's ok, I think were done here for now.' I said and I smiled at Jack. He blushed slightly. It was nice to know I could have this effect on someone. Carter left our room with and open mouth, he was happy we were together though surely. Jack grabbed his trunks before leaving the room and telling me he'd meet me down there. I went into the bathroom and had a wee before grabbing mine. I put my phone on charge and when I turned around Hayes was stood there.
'You alright bro?' I asked
'Not really.'
'Whats up?'
'Where should I begin.'
'Wherever you like.' I said, I knew this would make me later down to the pool but Hayes never wants to talk to me about stuff so I knew that this must be important and I wanted to support him. I want to support him.
'Well, I really like this person, but they're already with someone, and they're older than me. But I really like them and I can't stop thinking about them.'
'Are you going to give me a name?' I asked, I didn't care if he didn't want to tell me
'Umm, well, if I do you have to promise not to say anything to them.'
'Why are they here?'
'Is it Mahogany? If so she's not with Jacob or anybody.'
'No it's not mahogany.'
'But that just leaves us guys...'
'Yeah, I know.'
'Hayes are you gay?'
'I might be yes. I mean, I've found guys attractive and I think you guys noticed that I get more embarrassed around the hot guys rather than the hot girls.'
'Yeah I did notice that. Is it Taylor or Shawn.'
'Carter or Matt.'
'Me or Jack.'
'Cameron or Aaron.' When I said those two names Hayes started to blush. I started to think about what he had said. They were older than him, but both Cameron and Aaron are older than Hayes. Then I remembered him saying he's in a relationship. It was Cameron.
'Hayes he's dating your brother.' I said and Hayes burst into tears.
'I know...and that's....that's not even the worst part....Aaron asked me out....' Hayes mumbled out before the tears and the heaves from his breathing over took the sound of his voice.
'Hayes come here.' I said and I pulled him into a hug.
'Does anyone know about all of this.?' I asked him
'Well...Cameron and Nash both know I like Cameron....and Carter knows that Aaron asked me out. But other than that, no one. Only you know everything.'
'Well I feel flattered.'
'I don't know what to do Jack.'
'I think you should give Aaron a chance. He's a good kid. And he obviously cares about you. He's had his own struggles but now he is getting is life back together, and his counsellor told him to ask out the person he's in love with, and he asked you Hayes. He obviously cares a lot about you and I know for a fact that Aaron would never hurt you.'
'But he's my best friend.'
'How do you think I felt when I decided I was in love with Jack? That hurt me a lot, I didn't think he was gay and I didn't think he'd want me. But were going to give us a shot and see what happens. The best relationships start unexpectedly Hayes, and sometimes the best partnerships are the ones who didn't fall in love to start with but they have grown to love each other.'
'So you think I should say yes to Aaron.'
'I think you should. But tell him everything Hayes, just so he understands.'
'Ok. Thanks Jack.' Hayes said and he smiled a genuine smile at me. I smiled back and I grabbed his hand.
'Come on then, let's go and have some fun in this pool shall we.' I said and Hayes laughed and dragged me down the stairs to the pool. When we got down there we saw Carter and Taylor laying on the sun beds. They both had their shades on and they were both completely shirtless, a gay guys and any fangirls heaven. Nash and Cameron were mucking around on the diving board together and Cameron was trying to make Nash go first but every time Nash went to jump he kissed Cameron instead. It was sickening after a while. Jack was stood under the water fall running his hands through his hair, he look like a beach god by the way he was stood. His abs were shining because of the reflection of the sun off of the water and his biceps were flexed. He saw that I was watching and winked at me, my legs felt weak beneath me. Hayes jumped into the pool with Shawn and Aaron while I stood at the side deciding on where I should go. I walked over to the sun beds and jumped on the one beside Carter because it was the only one that looked remotely free.
'So you and Jack.' Carter said to me as I sat down
'What about us?' I asked
'In your room earlier. Are you two gonna give it a chance?' He asked
'Good on you bro, I hope it all works out but if he hurts you one more time, he will have me and Taylor to deal with and no doubt all the other guys as well.'
I laughed at Carter trying to sound threatening but it didn't really work because he glared at me and I had to shut up. His glare can be very scary sometimes. 'Wheres Matt?' I asked Carter
'Oh he went off to get us all some ice creams with Mahogany.' Carter replied
'Theres a surprise. Matt going to get food.'
'Exactly, but it's part of the reason why I lo- why he's my best friend.' I looked at Carter quizzically. Was he just about to say it's part of the reason why he loves him?

Cameron's POV

After twenty minutes on the diving boards Nash decided to go down. I stayed up there. There was a little jacuzzi up there big enough for row people. It was private up there too, no one could see you if you were sat by the pool unless you were right at the edge of the diving board. I sat down in the jacuzzi and shut my eyes. I woke them up when I heard someone cough.
'Hayes what are you doing up here?' I asked, I was unnerved by Hayes at the moment, since when he kissed me.
'I just wanted to talk to you. They're all talking to each other down there, and they said I couldn't hear what they were talking about because I was too young. So I said I was going back inside, but I came up here instead.'
'Ok. What are they talking about?'
'I don't know, sex and stuff I think, but I'm not sure.'
'Look Cameron, I'm sorry about the other day, I never should have done what i did.'
'Its ok. Just, don't do it again.'
'Ok.' Hayes came and sat in the jacuzzi with me and he sat right beside me. He looked at me and I looked at him. I opened my mouth because I was about to speak to him but he cut me off and aggressively pushed his lips against mine. He was working so hard to get me to kiss him back. The kiss itself was all messy but that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that I found myself kissing Hayes back.

Jack G's POV

'So have you and Taylor had sex Shawn?' Carter asked
'No we haven't.' Shawn replied and he started to blush. Taylor giggled and pulled Shawn to his side and Shawn cuddled into Taylor.
'We all know Cameron and Nash have.' Taylor said and he looked at Nash. Nash didn't say anything and he didn't blush, he just, stared. That was the best acknowledgement we would get from Nash, something wasn't right with him.
'Are you ok?' Carter asked him
'Yeah.' Nash said and he stood up and jumped into the pool. Us remaining guys all awkwardly looked at each other. Jack came and sat beside me so I put my arm around him to keep him warm as he was shaking slightly.
'Aww, you two are so cute together.' Matt said, at the sound of Matts voice Carter jumped up and ran over to him to help him carry the ice creams.
'Thanks bro.' I said to Matt and he smiled at us. I saw carter watch Matt as he smiled and I could see a hint of love washing over Carter. There was something there that we may have not seen before but I was certain that Carter had fallen for Matt, something I'd have to ask Jack about later.
'Did Hayes go inside?' Aaron asked all of us after getting his ice cream off of Matt.
'No.' Hayes said, coming towards all of us. He looked happy and grabbed his ice cream off of Matt. Where on earth had Hayes been. Nash jumped out of the pool as Cameron came down from the diving board tower. Nash ran to him and Cameron wrapped his arms around Nash's waist. Cameron whispered something Into Nash's ear and Nash nodded. The pair of them came over to us holding hands and they took their ice creams from Carter. Mahogany handed out the remaining ice creams and we all sat by the pool eating them. Shawn cuddled to Taylor, Cameron and Nash cuddling, Hayes was sat next to aaron and Carter was sat next to Matt. Mahogany was sat at the edge of the pool dipping her feet in and I had Jack cuddling me. It was a wonderful evening, too bad it was short lived.

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