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Jack G's POV

I walked with Amanda back to her house after we had been to the bank and withdrew the money needed. She seemed so grateful for it that I felt so happy.

'Will Jack care about the money going missing?' She asked me

'No no I asked him and he was ok with it.' I lied but she didn't need to know that. When I looked at her, I could see the beauty that had once taken me by surprise and I could see the girl that I had wanted to be with for years and years right in front of me again.

'Good. Just as long as he's ok with this whole situation. I felt really bad calling you, seeing as you and I didn't end on the best of terms.' She said as we approached a little cafe on the way home. 'Do you want to go and get something to eat?' She asked

'Sure, but I'll pay, I don't want to take money away from you,' I said and she smiled at me. I held the cafe door open for her and she said thank you as she came through. We sat at a little booth by the window and a very jolly waitress came over to us and handed us a menu. I had a flick through the menu and decided that I was going to have a cheese and ham baguette. Amanda was still reading her menu when I put mine down.

'I don't know what to have,' she said with a slight bit of strain in her voice like she was annoyed that she couldn't decide. 'I might just have a waffle or something you know?' She looked up at me and our eyes met. The old feelings I used to have came flooding back to me. Her eyes gave me shivers because they were so captivating.

'Have whatever you like.' I smiled to her, she giggled lightly which made my heart flutter and melt.

'I'm sorry about what happened to your friend,' she said sincerely. The waitress took our menus away as we made our orders and brought us over a drink each. Amanda and I were laughing for ages and I didn't even realise that it had been an hour since we arrived. We had eaten our food so we walked to her house and went inside. Her parents were sat at the table with one of the men from earlier. As I approached them I placed all the money on the table. The man looked at me before picking up the money and counting it all out.

'I know it's the right amount. I've already checked.' I replied. The man looked up at me and then continued to count he money, Amanda and I went and sat in the lounge and turned on the TV so we had something to do at least. When the ad breaks came up I slipped my phone out of ,y pocket and saw that I had 75 missed calls from Jack and 2 messages. He obviously really wanted me for something. 'Excuse me a minute.' I said to Amanda before standing up and going into the hallway to call him back.

'Hello?' I said down the phone when he finally picked up the phone.

'Where the fuck are you?' He shouted at me. 'I asked you to come home and you didn't and you didn't come out with cameron and I. You're meant to be being supportive right now Jack but you're being the complete opposite.' He screamed

'I never wanted to go bowling to start with and its not my fault. I've been held up.' I replied calmly.

'Well I actually wanted to call you because the bank have been on the phone and have asked why we withdrew seven thousand dollars from our account this afternoon.' Jack exclaimed. My heart suddenly started to thud harder in my chest

'Well k didn't take it out.' I replied and I was once again lying.

'Come home soon and we'll speak. We have a lot we need to discuss.' Jack spat down the phone at me before he hung up. I looked at my phone for a few moments before going back and sitting with Amanda. The man at the table had gone and taken the money and Amanda's parents were in the kitchen.

'Thank you so much for helping out.' Amanda said, moving up the sofa so that she could be closer to me rather than down the other end.

'That's my pleasure' I replied, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. I looked at her while she was watching the TV screen. She looked up at me and without thinking I leant straight in and joined our lips together.

Jack J's POV

Jack came home at around half 10 at night. He came into our room and tried to cuddle up to me in bed. I let him for a few moments until I heard him fall asleep. Cameron was still awake so I went into his room and sat with him.

'What are you going to do?' He asked me

'I have no idea. Why don't you move in with me? I could throw jack out and then hed reallt know what its like to lose everything.' I replied rudely to Cameron

'if thats what you really want to do then do it jack, but just make sure you dont do anything that youre going to regret later on.' cameron replied.

'whats there to regret Cameron? i cant do this anymore.'

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