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Jack G's POV

I quickly hung up the phone and ran back to Matthew who was stood at the food table. My hands were shaking and my legs felt like jelly. Had Jack jumped?

'OMG Jack are you ok? What the fuck happened?' Matt asked, concern was filling his eyes at a very fast rate.

'Ja-Jack. I think, I don't know, I feel he jumped.' I said

'What?' Matt said, his voive was loud and lots of the people in the room began to look at us. Cameron came running over to us. He stopped and stood beside me.

'What's going on over here?' He asked

'Jack thinks Jack has done something stupid.' Matt answered. I looked down at my hands. It was all my fault if he had, I should never have put him second. He's my one and only, and now it's too late to tell him that.

'Ok, so when you say stupid, what do you mean?' Cameron asked

'I think he may have jumped off a bridge.' I replied. Cameron looked at me, his eyes were wide and I could see them filling up with tears.

'You, you what?' He stuttered. I opened my arms to hug him but he hit me in the chest. 'You knew. You fucking knew yet you decided to treat him like sit on the phone? what the fuck is wrong with you.' Cameron shouted at me, he continued to beat his arms against my chest.

'I'm sorry.' I said, Cameron turned away from me and left the building. I could hear people saying how he left because he got too emotional. Part of me felt like I should follow him, but he was in abad mood with me, and I've learnt over time that if I follow someone I'm just going to hurt them more. So I left it and went back to attempting to enjoy myself.

Cameron's POV

Jack Gilinsky is a selfish pig who doesn't care about other people as long as he's happy, that's the conclusion I came to as I was running down the street towards the bridge. There was an ambulance and two cop cars right in the middle of it. My heart started racing as I ran towards the scene. An officer pulled me away from the railing.

'You can't go any further than that boy.' He said, his voice was all coarse like a very heavy smokers. I looked over the edge of a bridge and saw a body floating on top of the water. The body had blond hair and was wearing a suit. My heart shattered as I looked at it.

'NOOOO.' I screamed. Lots of people turned to look at me. I didn't care. The smoking officer took me over to the ambulance as he felt I needed to be treated for shock. As I sat down in the ambulance I saw the police pulling the body out of the water. They laid the body down onto a stretcher and put it into another ambulance. I was shaking uncontrollably as I watched. As I was shaking, an arm wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me close to a body.

'If I was a few metres closer I could have saved him. The car was going so fast, I tried to push him out the way but it didn't work. It hit my arm and my phone is in the river somewhere' I turned, it was such a relief to see Jack sitting there beside me. His arm was all red and bloody and he was shaking too. I smiled widely at him.


'I'm ok Cammy, I'm ok.' He replied with a smile.

(OK guys,

A few quick questions for you. everyone who reads this far, please answer the questions.

1) Should I post the sequel to flights in the same book as flights or should I make a new book?

2) How many of you are following me on my social media? If you are and I'm not following you back, leave me your username here and I'll follow you

3) How often would you like to see an update on any of my books?

Thanks for answering my questions, I love you all xxxxxx)

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