Inappropriate smut

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Jack J's POV

Jack and I gently moved cameron into a bedroom so that he didn't wake up. We wrapped him up into a blanket and made sure he was comfortable before we both went and sat of the sofa and watched some TV. It was getting late and I was beginning to get hungry.

'Baby can you order a take out from somewhere?' I asked politely and cuddled up to Jack tightly. He had one arm slung over the arm of the sofa and his phone was in his hand, he flicked it round and handed it to me.

'Got for your life, order whatever you want.' Jack said with a smile. He had been different since he got back this afternoon. He seemed happy but distant. I took his phone and ordered some pizza and chicken strips and a large bottle of cola. We decided to catch up on some TV so we turned on American Horror Story, we were still only on series one. Jack pulled a cushion out from behind us and had it ready to hide his face, it was sweet.

'So where have you been?' I asked, wanting an actual answer this time?

'I went to Andreas house, I have no idea why I went there but I did, then I realised my mistake and when to Sammys, but he wouldn't answer the door so I found his spare key and I let myself in to find him and Dillon at it on the table.' Jack explained. He stood up and went over to the kitchen area and poured himself a glass of juice.

'Wait so Sammy and Dillon were fucking each other?' I asked

'Yeah basically. Then sam said that it wasn't meant to happen and that it just magically happened and it all got very confusing.' Jack said. He took a handful of Cheetos out of a bag that appeared from nowhere and then came back to sit with me.

'Your breath really stinks.' I said to him and I laughed, he tried to seem heartbroken at my statement but it didn't work. 'Do you think we should FaceTime Hayes and see how he is? We haven't spoke to him since.' I said and Jack nodded.

'I suppose we should.' Jack replied and he stood up to get his iPad so we had a bigger screen. We called hayes and he picked up almost instantly. He was on his bed cuddled up with aaron. He had a big red puffy eyes where he had been crying.

'Hey hayes. How are you?' I asked and Hayes looked at me through the screen.

'I'm holding up, just, that's a lie I'm doing shit. I'm just so upset. Why didn't he speak to anyone? That what I want to know.' Hayes said and he rotated so his head was in Aaron's armpit, not somewhere I'd choose to go to to be honest.

'Maybe this is something he just wanted to keep to himself. He could be secretive sometimes.' Jack said to him and aaron nodded in agreement.

'I just feel like I could have stopped him. But I went home. I left him. I never should have left him. He was my best friend. Think about how you'd feel if Jack, well, you know.' Hayes said to Jack. Jack grabbed my hand off of camera and gave me a reassuring squeeze on the hand.

'I don't want to think about that hayes.' Jack said to him and he looked away.

'I'm sorry you guys have to put up with cameron. I would say my mom could come and get him but we have enough to deal with. Skylynn is really down. She tried to find heaven on the map we have in the kitchen so that she could run away and be with nash. Mom just said it was too far.' Hayes said and he started to cry softly. Jack and I took this as our time to stop talking to him as we didn't want to make him more upset.

Jack G's POV

Jack and I turned off FaceTime and then went into our room and went on Twitter for a little while. Jack made a tweet about living with his best friend before we both logged off and just layed looking up at the cieling.

'Is it wrong to want to be with you sexually right now?' I asked Jack who scoffed and laughed before turning over and looking at me. I smiled at him.

'It's sort of wrong yes Jack.' He replied and he laughed softly.

'Fuck it. Come on. I really want you. What do you say?' I asked and he looked at me.

'Umm. I don't really know. I'm not really in the mood to be honest.' He replied. I knew I was getting a boner, boys get random ones sometimes and now he didn't want to use it I was very frustrated. He turned back over so his back was beside me so I gently kissed his neck. I heard his breath catch. As I kissed his neck I began to stroke my hand softly up his back and his breath caught even more. 'Baby stop.' He said to me airily.

'You know you don't want that.' I replied and I flipped him over and straddled him. His blue eyes were looking straight into my brown ones. He looked half scared and half sleepy. I nozzled in his neck and kissed his neckline and collar bone. He let out gentle moans which j knew he didn't want to come out. I ran my hands down his sides before taking off his shirt. I took off mine straight after and sat on top of him. He leant up to me so that I could kiss him easier. I placed a finger to his lips and I leant over to grab lube from the drawers by the bed.

'You were already prepared you loser.' Jack said to me huskily.

'Are you?' I replied and winked at him before turning him over and lubing up. First I pushed in a few fingers. He flinched when they first went in, it had been a while. But he soon relaxed. Moans escaped his lips and when he seemed distracted I switched to my dick, he half screamed so I thrusted very slowly and gently and then I felt him relax so I went harder and deeper. His moans were turning me on so much that I came very quickly. I flopped on the bed beside him before he got on top of me.

'Have fun.' Jack said as he pushed his hard member straight into me.

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