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Jack G's POV

After school I walked to Jack's house. I knew Shawn and Taylor would be there, but it doesn't stop me from trying does it. I knocked on the door to his house and Taylor opened the door, he looked like he was about to shut it in my face so I out my foot in the way. Taylor rolled his eyes and reluctantly let me into Jack's house.
'Hes in his bedroom, that's the room to the-' Taylor began to say
'I know where everything is in this house.' I said before walking up the stairs to Jack's room. I knocked on his door and then opened it. He was sat on his bed, Shawn wasn't with him. I shut the door behind me and walked over to him, he looked a mess.
'Hey.' I said to him
'What do you want?' He said to me
'I wanted to apologise.'
'Thats all you and I seem to do at the minute. Apologise.'
'I know. I'm sorry.'
'I think you're running out of things to apologise for.'
'Im sorry for leaving you, Jack I never meant for you to get hurt. You're my best friend, I'd never mean to do that, but you had annoyed me and I know that I had annoyed you. So I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being an ass.'
'Sorry doesn't cut it all the time Jack.' I got down on my knees in front of Jack and pulled his hands into my own.
'I know I know, and I'm sorry.'
'Thats all we fucking do is fucking apologise.'
'Come on Jack, I'm trying really hard and you're being an ass with me.' I said ripping my hands away from his.
'Im not being an ass I'm just saying...'
'Well don't fucking say anything, you know what next time I won't bother apologising. But think of all the fans we will be letting down when you won't talk to me and when we aren't Jack and Jack on stage. Think about that before you shut me out completely.' I said before leaving his room and shutting the door behind me. I came face to face with Taylor, something that happens regularly.
'What?' I said to him
'What have you said to him?' He asked
'I just made him think, that's all. Where's Shawn?'
'Hes getting groceries.'
'Fair enough.'
'Do you want a drink?'
'Its ok. You don't have to have one.'
'No, no I want one, lemonade please.'
I followed Taylor down to Jack's kitchen and sat at the table with Taylor. He poured me out my lemonade before coming to sit with me. He put the lemonade in front of my hands and sat opposite me. He was looking straight into my eyes and it made me feel a little uncomfortable. He slowly sipped at his drink and I hardly touched mine, I was scared to.
'So what's going on with you and Jack, Jack.'
'Im in love with him Taylor.'
'As in best friend love, or like, love love.'
'Im in love with him.'
'Why are you with Amanda then?'
'I don't know.'
'Why don't you break it off with Amanda.'
'Im scared to.'
'Jack you got with her, like, yesterday, it won't matter,'
'She knows I'm bisexual. Maybe gay.'
'Do you find her attractive.'
'I used to before I started kissing guys, then I realised I liked guys a lot.'
'Do you find other guys attractive.'
'Do you want me to be honest?'
'Well, Jack obviously, Shawn's hot, you're hot, Cameron and Nash are hot. Carter has something about him. Matt has sexy eyes and an amazing smile. I don't have attraction to Hayes and Aaron because they're so young.'
'Aaron is the same age as Shawn.'
'Yeah but I know Shawn better.'
'Right, do you want to be with Jack.'
'Do you want to be with Amanda.'
'You need to break up with her, it's not fair to any of you. Jack is confused, Amanda must me confused and so must you. Dump her and see how you feel, then from there, you and Jack can decide what you are going to do, the next Magcon is on Saturday and Sunday so were leaving on Thursday. You and Jack need to be at least half sorted by then.'
'I hope we will'
'You have two says Jack.'
'I do love him Taylor, I think he likes you though.'
'He has a crush on me, he doesn't love me. He loves you'
'He has a very funny way of showing it.'
' so do you.'
I quickly finished my drink when I heard the front door open and some footsteps upstairs, Taylor smiled at me and let me out the back. I know I only just got out without Shawn seeing me. I walked round the front of Jack's house and sighed, it used to be such a happy place at Jack's, now it's a place of misery. I need to dump Amanda and I need to sort my head out. Fast.

Jack J's POV

Once Jack had left my room I was left alone with my thoughts. I didn't want to shut him out, he was my best friend and I loved him. With all my heart. I didn't want to let down the fans either, I loved them too much. Once I had composed myself I went downstairs and found Taylor and Shawn stood in the kitchen. I walked in and they both turned to look at me. Shawn smiled at me and Taylor did too. I poured myself a drink and leant against the fridge.
'Guys I've had a thought.' I said
'Whats up.' Shawn asked
'I want to be in a relationship with Jack. I love him.'
'And he loves you.' Taylor said
'How do you know?' Shawn asked Taylor and Taylor just grabbed Shawn's balls. Shawn yelped in pain.
'Whats going on here?' I asked
'Nothing.' Taylor said, quickly letting go of Shawn.
'Well, Jack, if you want to be with Jack, you need to fight for him.' Shawn said to me
'I will fight, I'm prepared.'
'And he will fight for you.' Taylor said
'It will be a fight for love.'
'And love conquers all.'
I smiled at the pair of them and left the room. I went into the bathroom and started up the shower. I looked at my body as I stripped down out of my clothes. I looked at my untoned body, my pale skin, my boyish face and my blond hair. What did Jack see in me? I looked around the bathroom. Taylor had his razor by the sink, it looked new. I wonder what it would feel like to slice my skin with it, to feel my insecurities flow out through the blood in my veins? I looked again at Taylor's razor and picked it up. I went to push it against my skin when there was a knock at the door.
'Jack? Are you ok?' Taylor said from the other side of the door. It made me drop the razor on the floor. It hit the floor with a metal clink. 'Jack what was that?'
'Im fine Taylor. You scared me.'
'You aren't doing anything stupid are you?"
'No. I'm not, I'm having a shower.'
'Ill inspect you when you get out, I don't believe you Jack.' I heard him walk away from the door and I picked up his razor again, this time I put it back where it was. I jumped into the shower and quickly washed my hair so no one killed me. I jumped out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I opened the bathroom door and I went out and walked quickly toward my room and I was grabbed round the waist. I span round and came to face Taylor. He slid his finger under my towel and let it drop to the floor.
'Taylor what are you-'
'Shawns downstairs making dinner and I wanted to check you over.'
'Taylor honestly I'm fine.' He bent down and searched all over my legs and waist. Then he moved up and checked my torso and neck and my arms. I sighed and laughed.
'Whats funny?' Taylor asked
'Nothing. The fact that you are searching me all over, like some sick pervert.'
Taylor stood up to look me in the eyes.
'Im not a sick pervert.' Taylor said before walking down the stairs like nothing had happened. I laughed to myself and walked into my bedroom. I got changed into my pajamas and went downstairs and started watching TV. Shawn came and sat beside me.
'I thought you were making dinner?' I asked
'I was, but Taylor took over.'
'Oh, ok.'
' he has a crush on you Jack,'
'I never would have realised.'
'He tells me he has a crush on you but loves me.'
'And you're ok with that?'
'I know you wouldn't let anything happen.'
'No I wouldn't, you can have Taylor, I only want Jack.'
'Then do what you told me to do, go and get him.'
'You know what Shawn, maybe I will.'

Hayes POV

We were driving home and I was sat next to Cameron. He was talking about Nash, and Aaron. I was getting bored of the conversation and started to look out of the window. When we got back to my dad's house Cameron ran round and opened the door for me. He grabbed all of my things and carried them inside. My dad was letting all of us stay at his house while our house was getting fixed. My mom was sat at the table in the kitchen and my dad was at work. Skylynn was sat on the floor, waiting for me to come home.
'Hey guys.' I said to them. My mom turned to face me and stood up, running towards me.
'Hayes, thank The Lord you're ok baby boy, I thought I'd lost you.'
'Im fine mom. Cameron's been great.'
'Good boy Cameron.' I looked at Cameron and I saw him blush.
'It was nothing, you guys are like family to me.'
'So it's nothing to do with the fact you're dating my son?' My mom said to Cameron and he started laughing.
'Maybe, anyway I better get back to the hospital and see what's going on with Nash.' Cameron said.
'Ill see you out.' I said.
I walked to the front door with Cameron and opened the door for him. He smiled and leant forward. He flicked my hair back that was in my eyes and stood up straight again.
'Ill be staying with Nash tonight. Tell your mom to look after you ok?' He said
'She will.'
Cameron turned to walk back to the car, he stepped down off of my front step and where he was put him dead in line with me.
'Cameron.' I said
'Yeah?' He said turning round.
Without thinking I grabbed him round the neck and kissed him on the mouth, he didn't move his lips, he just kept trying to pull away, but with my hands I held him there. After a few minutes I let him go, he quickly walked down the path and when he got to the car he turned and looked at me. He gave me a sad smile and got in the drivers seat, he looked at me again and drove off. Why the hell did I do that?

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