Smut Smut Smutty Smut Smut (theres some smut in this chapter)

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Jack J's POV

After the show we all went back to the hotel and messed around for a while before we were told by Bart that we had to sleep, now or we'd all get kicked out. So we all went back to our rooms and Facetimed each other from our phones. Cameron obviously didn't know what Nash was doing and Cameron came out of his bathroom completely naked until he saw Jack and I and Taylor and Shawn looking at him through a tablet and a phone, he then ran straight back into the bathroom and came out in a towel.
'Dude you could have told me.' He said to Nash, who was rolling up with laughter. 'Its not funny Nash.' Cameron said and he started to laugh as Nash was now laughing so hard that he was crying and he rolled off the bed.
After a while of talking to the boys Jack and I disconnected all of our calls and laid on our beds talking to each other. Jack was looking through twitter as we spoke, calling out loads of tweets from fans that had seen the show, he retweeted some of them, just to give a few of the fans a heart attack. I decided to go on as well, and I saw a picture of Jack looking at me while I was talking to one of the fans, his eyes were wide and his smile was huge.
'This is cute.' I said turning my phone and showing him the picture
'Yeah, I suppose it is.' Jack replied with a smile.
'We go home tomorrow.' I said to Jack
'Yeah we do. I can't belive it to be honest. That they're leaving.' Jack said
'I know, but hey, there will be two new guys for definite.' I said
'What if we don't like them, what if the whole Magcon thing just doesn't work with them. Cameron and Nash pulled in so many people.' Jack stated and looked like he was about to cry so I sat with him and pulled his chest closer to mine. I looked him dead in eyes and made him look at mine.
'Jack I promise that even when all this ends, I will still only want you, I will still only love you. You and I have been friends since forever, we won't just lose everything we have if Magcon doesn't carry on. Ok?' I said and he nodded.
'I love you too.' He said and he leant in for a kiss. I heard a knock on the door and Jack stood up to open it, he rolled his eyes as he did so. When he opened the door, Amanda was stood there holding a pregnancy test.
'Before you say I got you pregnant Amanda, we never had sex so piss off.' Jack said maybe a little too loudly as the doors to all the boys rooms opened.
'Thats not what I was going to say actually. I was going to say, YOU GAVE ME AN STI!' She shouted and all the boys looked at me, Jack was going red, he hated being the centre of attention really so he pulled Amanda into our room and shut the door.
'How did I, we never had sex.' Jack stated
'You don't have to have sex if you had the STI in your throat Jack.'
'What are you trying to say?'
'Im trying to say that you gave oral sex to someone and got an STI, then you kissed me and passed it to me.' Amanda said
'Thats not possible otherwise Jack would have one as well. And he gets checked.' It's true I get checked but I haven't for a while.
'Well perhaps he needs to go Jack because I know it came from you.' Amanda said
'What do you mean?' Jack said
'Its gonorrhoea, and the man said that girls get it giving oral and so do gay men. So I know it came from you.' Amanda said
'Well he's told you wrong, everyone can get it.' Jack said
'Youre trying to hide the fact that you had oral sex with a guy before you were with Jack.'
'But I didn't Amanda, that the thing.'
'You can't lie to me Jack.'
'Im not lying to you. I think you need to talk to your man slut boyfriend and ask him what he's been up to, because I am clean Amanda, and I definitely gave nothing to you.' Jack said before opening the door and pushing Amanda outside it and slamming it in her face.
'This conversation isn't over.' She shouted
'I think you'll find it is.' Jack shouted back before jumping on me on the bed. He kissed my neck and all along my collar bone, it unnerved me, what if it had come from Jack, then he could be giving it to me. And if we break up I could be giving it to someone else. I pushed Jack off of me and sat upright. Jack looked at me.
'Whats up.' He asked
'What if it did come from you?' I asked him
'It didn't babe I promise you. I would know, plus I had tests done before I had sex with you the first time and everything came back clear. I just don't want to tell her that just yet.' Jack said and went back to kissing my chest and collar bone. And I let him do it this time, because I know where it leads.

Flights (Jack and Jack)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें