Its over

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Jack G's POV

I was walking home when I had a phone call from jeff. I answered it, he never calls me unless it's important and I was scared that something had happened to Jack. I let it ring through twice so I didn't look so keen as to what he was about to tell me then I answered.
'Hello.' I said
'Hey Jack, look, there's something I need to tell you and I don't think you're going to like what I have to say.'
'Ok, what is it?'
'Jack, Amanda is cheating on you.' I didn't know what to say, my whole body had gone numb in the space of a few seconds. 'Jack the you still there?'
'I just though I sprinkled let you know. I was at the mall earlier and I saw her and Darrel kissing each other, and I t was quite passionate. Sorry bro.'
'Its ok, don't worry about it.'
'Sweet, err, do you wanna talk to Jack?' He asked me
'If he wants to talk to me then yes. I need to make everything right before the flight to Magcon really.'
'Yeah, I suppose you do otherwise it could be a very awkward flight.'
'Ill pass you over to him.'
'Thanks.' I waited on the line for a couple of minutes before I heard breathing at the other end of the phone line and then a voice spoke.
'Hey.' Jack said to me
'Hey bro.'
'You ok?' He asked
'Yeah, look Jack, we need to talk properly about what we both want.'
'We do indeed.'
'Youre my best friend so on the flight can we act like nothing has happened and then when we get to Magcon can we talk properly please. Because, it's weird to try and say it all over the phone.'
'You want me to forget everything for a flight?'
'Please Jack.'
'Yeah, that's fine bro.'
'Awesome. And look, I'm really sorry.'
'I know you are.'
'So can we be best friends again please.'
'Of course.'
'Cool, I'll be picking you up tomorrow anyway. So we can go to the airport together? I'm driving.'
'Sounds good. Just text me when you're almost here.'
'I will do.'
'I love you.'
It was so awkward that he didn't say I love you back. What if he's fallen out of love with me? What if he doesn't want to ever date me? What if I've made it all worse again by saying I love you? More importantly, what the fuck am I meant to do with Amanda? She's playing me silly, I had no clue what to do, the only person I could think to talk to was Cameron and Nash, but they were having their own issues. Next on the list is Taylor and Shawn but they won't be very helpful, Hayes and Aaron, no I don't think so. Mahogany? Nope she's on holiday. Carter and Matt? That could work. I dialled in Carters number and waited for a response.
'Hey Jack, this is a nice surprise.'
'Hey Carter, look I need some advice.'
'Is it Jack and Jack advice?'
'Not really no.'
'Ok, cool.'
'So can I get your advice then?'
'Yup, shoot me with it.'
'Right well, you know I'm dating Amanda, well I found out earlier that she was cheating on me with this guy called Darrel who had warned me earlier not to hurt her or he would beat me up and he's already beat Jack up, so I can't dump Amanda because Darrel will beat me up but if I tell her I know about the kiss her and Darrel shared at the mall, she'd say I was following her, even though I wasn't.'
'Right, well, I'd just ask her outright, are you with Darrel. And if she says yes then dump her, because you can't have broke her heart because she's cheating on you? Right?'
'I suppose, when do you think I should talk to her?'
'Before Magcon, that way you are free to try and get Jack.'
'I suppose.'
'Thats ok. So that's going on with you and Jack.'
'Hes talking to me now, but I don't know what exactly is going on.'
'Ok. Well anyway, I'll see you tomorrow bro. Miss you by the way.'
'I miss you too bro.'
'Aww, we should have a bromance.'
'Totally. Haha, I'll see you tomorrow.'
'Bye bro.'
Once I had finished talking to Carter i decided to go to Amanda's house, I walked all the way to the end of her garden and then I could see people in the window. Instead of going to the door I went to the window. I saw Amanda and Darrel half naked full on making out. Instead of being normal and knocking on the door I knocked on the window. They suddenly stopped kissing each other and they looked at each other before flooding out the window and seeing me stood there, with a fake hurt look plastered across my face. Darrel quickly covered himself up and so did Amanda, I then saw Amanda leave the room and come to the door and open it.
'Why the fuck are you here?'
'I could ask the same question to Darrel Amanda.'
'Its not what it looked like.'
'Looked pretty cosy to me.'
'Look Jack. He actually seems to want to do things with me. You don't ever want to do anything.'
'And I've told you, that's because I'm gay.'
'I thought you were bisexual.'
'Nope, I have no attraction towards girls. It's all about Jack.'
'As in your best friend Jack.'
'Yes. I love him.'
'Well go be little faggots who like it up the ass then, I don't care.'
'I will, and don't you ever call Jack a faggot.'
'But he is one.'
'No he's not. He's homosexual, not a faggot.'
'Fuck off Jack.'
'This is over between me and you, I can't believe you're such a dick.'
'I came over here to end it anyway.'
'No you didn't.'
'Yes I did.'
I turned on my heels and walked back down her path, I turned to look at her and I smiled smugly before continuing to walk to my house. I could tell she would be burning holes into the back of my head but I didn't care, I could fight to get Jack now. But first I need to pack all of my clothes for Magcon. When I got back to my house I grabbed my suitcases and started packing some clothes. I threw in all the clothes I knew Jack liked. I even packed all my deodorants that Jack likes the smell of, I just wanted to be his dream guy, the guy he wants. After packing I snuggled down into my bed and curdled up and fell asleep. My mind full of thoughts about the next waiting day.

Jack J's POV

'So you told him then?' I said to Jeff
'Yeah, he seemed ok with it to be honest. Then he wanted to talk to you.'
'He seemed ok with me as well.'
'I think you could get him you now Jack, I think he could be yours soon.'
'I hope so, it was weird, one day I just realised how perfect he was. Then suddenly when he left me, it was so painful for me, that was when I realised I had feelings for him. Then they just grew and grew and then I found out that he liked me and I liked him, so it was perfect. I really love him jeff. I need him to be mine, it's been my dream for so long now.'
'I know bro I know.'
'If I do get to date him, I may actually cry with happiness, he's so perfect for me.'
'Indeed he is, and I'll be there the day you two get married.'
'Thanks bro.'
'Now go get some decent sleep, you want to look good for him tomorrow don't you? You don't want to look like a walking dead person?'
'Not really.'
'Go on, go up to bed, I'll be here incase he calls. Go get some sleep, you have a busy day tomorrow.'
'Thank you bro,'
I listened to Jeff and I went upstairs to bed. I made a couple of tweets and followed five people before turning off my phone and falling asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a very interesting day.

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