Moment of silence

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Jack J's POV

'Taylor oh god are you ok?' I crouched down beside him and cupped his cheeks in my hands.
'Yeah I'm fine, shocked but fine, what the fuck got into him?'
'He's just been a bit off recently. I suppose I started it to be honest.' I said looking at the guys, they were all watching us intently, all except from Cameron and Nash, who were still making out.
'I flew into one because he left me. He saw Amanda and he left me.'
'Aww Jack, but he's your best friend, why would he do that?' Aaron asked
'I don't know. All I know is that, he's not the same Jack he was last month. He's changed.'
'He likes Amanda, maybe that's it.' Shawn said
'You know that's not true.' I said to him
'It is, he really likes her and he's scared to tell her'
'Well he's not scared to completely ditch me for her is he? Since when did I move to the bottom of his pile.'
'Hehe.' Taylor giggled
'Whats so funny Caniff?' I asked
'Well you said bottom of the pile and I was just imagining you on the bottom of something else...haha.' I slapped his cheek playfully and he looked straight into my eyes, I could have sworn I saw some lust there, did I want to go for it? No Jack he gets shipped with Shawn he's perfect for Shawn. I looked at Shawn to avert my gaze from Taylor. Shawn was sending a text on his phone and hadn't noticed anything, thank god.
'You're welcome to stay in our room Jack.' Taylor said to me
'Yeah...I'll go in with Jack, you can have my bed.' Shawn told me, he had obviously heard this part of the conversation. I smiled to him.
'Thanks Shawn, shall I quickly go get some stuff?'
'Yeah do you want me to come with you?'
'No Taylor, Jack hates you.'
'Do you?' He said to me
'Not me, the other Jack'
'Oh, that makes more sense.'
I left the room and walked to my own. I slowly opened the door just incase Jack was asleep. I found him laying face down on his bed sobbing into a very wet pillow. I walked over to him and put my hand on his back, he shivered under my touch then looked at me. When he saw me, he tensed up.
'How could you!' He practically screamed at me.
'You kissed fucking Taylor! Taylor! Taylor Caniff of all people!'
'Jack it-'
'Spare me the bullshit Jack, oh it wasn't like that, then why did you kiss him! You kissed him back!'
'So what if I did! You probably kissed Amanda.' Jack picked his phone up and threw it angrily at my head, I ducked just in time for him to miss and it hit the wall behind me.
'I kissed her hand! By the sounds of it you full on made out with Taylor!'
'No i didn't but I can if you want me to.'
'Fine, go ahead, go have a make out session with Taylor! See if I fucking care!'
'But you do care! Or you wouldn't be shouting at me!'
'Youre shouting at me!'
'Fuck off back to your bum buddy Jack I really don't care anymore.'
'My Jack would never say that to me. The Jack I know and love is kind, friendly and he always puts my happiness before his own, obviously I was wrong about you all the time Jack Finnegan Gilinsky.' I grabbed my stuff before slamming the door behind me. I went back to Nash and Cameron's room and Taylor was just getting ready to leave. I looked at Cameron and Nash, their lips were bright red and were swelling, I thought Nash was a bit homophobic? Whys he full on making out with Cameron? Doesn't matter anyway. I looked at Aaron and Hayes, they were looking at me, they both looked a bit worried. Then my gaze fell to Matt and Carter, they were giving me the same expression as Aaron and Hayes.
'What happened in there?' Shawn asked
'What got thrown? We heard it hit the wall.'
'Oh, Jack threw his phone at my head and I ducked so it hit the wall.'
'He threw something at you?'
'What did you say to him?'
'Go find out for yourself Shawn, he always asks you for advice, but right now, I need to sleep and try to get my head straight.'
Taylor grabbed my spare hand and walked with me to his and Shawn's room. I saw a messed up bed, which I knew instantly was Taylor's and then the neat bed which must be Shawn's.
'Thanks for this Taylor.'
'Its Shawn you should be thanking.'
'I will thank him too. But right now, I want to thank you.'
'Yeah well.' I looked down and saw that we were still holding hands. For some reason my eyes moved from our hands, to his eyes to his mouth. I had the overwhelming urge to kiss him, but that would annoy Jack even more. Oh well, he doesn't care. I let go of my stuff in the other hand and turned so I was in front of Taylor. He looked down at me and smiled softly. He had a sexy ass face. Jack shut up!
'Thanks.' Taylor said
'You said I have a sexy ass face, thanks.' I started to blush. I had said that out loud. 'Dont go red, you look less hot and more I'm dying.'
'Maybe I could cool you down Taylor said inching closer and closer to my lips until there was only a centimetre between us.
'Or maybe you could make it even hotter in here.'
I closed the gap between our lips. Our lips moved perfectly with each other and neither of us fought for dominance. Taylor ran his tongue along my bottom lip and I allowed him access to my mouth. His tongue roamed every inch of my mouth, it was a perfect moment. Almost as perfect as the kiss with Jack, that was beyond description. Taylor wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing up and down my neck, he found my sweet spot and started sucking on it. He gave me a soft kiss on the lips before I dashed into the bathroom to look at what he'd done to my neck. I had a red and Purple Heart shaped hickey on my neck, and it was about the size of an eyeball.
'Well? What do you think?' Taylor asked
'I think I'm gonna need some concealer to cover this hickey up.'
'Its probably my best one yet.'
'Taylor I thought you liked Shawn?'
'I do, I like him a lot, but he doesn't like me. And I kinda like you Jack, always have. Your cheeky little face just does it for me.' I stroked his cheek with my hand and then lightly pushed him out of the bathroom. I needed a pee.

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