41.Sincerely Summertimes

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In the month of June—

"You sure you got your passport? What about your wallet? You have enough money. Here take some cash from me. Wait, I'll send you some money when you reach the university."

Rene wanted to laugh at her father's antics. It was almost hilarious to see her father panicking and getting flustered.

"Will you relax? I'm going to be fine."

Daniel puffed a sigh. "I know. It's just that you are going away so far and I worry."

"Aww dad. You know you can call me anytime."

"Yeah I will. Don't you second guess it. If you miss one call, I'll be on the next flight to Italy. It takes only two hours so don't you forget it."

"Don't I know it." Rene smiled.

She couldn't believe she was going to Italy! She wanted to scream in delight. Finally, the prospect of her future close at hand and she was about to seize it.

"Besides that, have you talked to Sebastian?"
Her breath hitched at that.

She'd guess Sebastian would come to see her off but she hadn't heard from him since the day she bursted into her dad's office. She still remembered that day so vividly, it had cracked her soul into two-

"You should go."

Daniel turned, shocked. "Sebastian, what are you saying?"

"Daniel, this is a fine opportunity for her that shouldn't be missed. If she did, she would regret it forever."

"But what about-"

"Sometimes in matters of love, you need to sacrifice." Throwing Daniel's own words at him.

Daniel felt the pull at his protective instinct with the push of his own pride. He was beyond happy that his own daughter managed to get into a good college and without his help. And he had never wanted Rene to do something she was forced to do.

He always believed in the self made. It's what his father thought of him. It's what he himself had ingrained into Rene's head. He'd guess it got lost after his wife passed away and it pulled  the both of them part.

He somehow forced Rene to follow his footsteps. Not even asking her what she wanted out of life. Even though she is in a way doing the same thing as he did but in her own way.

Understanding dawning on Daniel, he moves towards Rene. "Are sure you want this?"

Rene had gone completely numb. The epitome of shock reverberated within her. Sebastian wanted her to go? She didn't know how to feel about that. She hadn't expected it. Her mind was relapsing yet he did it because they didn't have a relationship.

But she couldn't think about that now. When she heard her dad say that, she felt the thundering of her heart. He was letting her go!

She moved her gaze back to her dad. "Yes dad! This is what I want. I have never wanted anything in my life." Yet the way the words gave away the goodness of dignity, it also left a bitter aftertaste.

She glanced back at Sebastian who just sat there with not an ounce of expression on his face. It remained coldly blank. What was he thinking? She couldn't figure it out.

He stood up, walking up to them. Raising his hand, he patted awkwardly at her back. "I'm proud of you. I'll leave you guys for some privacy."

Rene then knew where the bitterness came from. They wouldn't be together. Suddenly she felt selfish. She was thinking only about herself. Before he could leave, Rene caught hold of his arm. "Wait. What about us?"

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