16.Constructingly Wicked

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Rene hopped down from the counter, sealing a satisfied smirk on her lips. She made her way up to her room, happy that he hadn't followed her. She quickly put on a plaid shirt and while she buttoned up, she began to analyze.

Leaving him there with that stunned outraged look was probably the best thing that had happened since their last incident.

She couldn't help but notice the way each interaction was like round on a snakes and ladders board game. Someone gets a ladder, while the other slithers down the snake. However, no luck was involved here. No rolling of dice but the rolling of clear-cut words to determine who will climb and who will fall.

Hearing his steps nearing, she went to close the door when his hand peeked out, holding the door from closing. Menacingly, Sebastian flung the door open with his face still dripping wet.

Rene felt the loss of breath as she hastily took two steps behind.

He marched into the room, shutting the door with a loud bang. Someone is angry.

Another roll of words and she would wait for his next move. Wondering if he was going to let her move ahead. But by the looks of it, highly unlikely.

She felt her life hanging by a thread when her back met her bathroom door.

"Just because you are young, doesn't mean you can get away with what you did." Water dripped down his stern face.

"And just cause you are old and wrinkly doesn't mean you get to speak to me like a child!" Rene hollered at Sebastian.

"What did you say to me, little girl ?" His hand shot out, grabbing her waist and pushing her against the hardwood door.

Rene felt the fear trickle down her as his eyes turned devilish and intense. She had never seen such eyes. It was almost black.

His face was rugged as that scar runs across it. His beard was ragged and yet it made her clench her thighs tightly.

"You heard me." She jutted her chin at him, daring him.

"You gotta lot of nerve, Rene. I bet you don't talk to Dan this way do you ?" He cruelly smirked at her, his fingers tracing her collar bones and slowly dipping down her plaid shirt.

"That's my dad, you jackass! You are nothing but a mere partner to him." She spat the words at him. Her body was livid and not only because she was angry.

"Is that right ? Then riddle me this, why did he let you stay alone with me? Could it be he knew I would never touch his little girl or the fact that you like the old and gold?"

She was stunned.

The audacious manner with which the way he spoke to her made her cheeks blush. She may have been attracted to the man but she will never allow any man to walk over her with unkind words.

"You touched me ! Or have you forgotten the last few days?"

"You touched yourself in front of me!" He snubbed cruelly.

"Oh! You touched yourself while you watched me!" They were nose to nose. Her eyes up and glaring while his down and piercing.

"You were the one who bloody came into my house and sat on that sofa, wantoning rubbing yourself. This is all on you!" His face became red.

This was not how Christmas was supposed to be celebrated. With both of them wailing at each other like this.

Rene tries to calm herself down, making her breathing even. She peeked at his appearance, he was also bringing himself in check.

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