15.Suspiciously Sinful

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It was early Christmas morning. The days went by quickly and the next thing you know, Rene wakes up to the warm baked goods smell on the 25th of Christmas morning.

She had given herself time off from Sebastian. By only potentially avoiding him and expertly shutting down a conversation whenever she crossed him.

He was becoming unbearable. These days, he was walking around like a hunched big wolf that was very angry and very, very frustrated. His dog, Hades followed him like the loyal chaperone would. They were two peas in a pod.

It's been a week since the last episode of him in her bed. After that, there had been a strange escape from each other at first.

However, Rene had wished to prolong this non-talking ritual but highly unlikely. It might be tensed at first when they were both in the same room but it was better anything than those moments of closed proximity and stormy touches that could be her undoing.

She didn't do the usual Christmas shopping she does with her father. She didn't celebrate it the way they used to after her mother passed away. Now, four years passed and the Christmas tradition were light but still was the pressing absence of someone who they loved.

Her father not being here the first time had given a more sense of depression rising in her. She then however received a call from him to wish her and most ardently spoke about her mother, his beloved.

After she got up, changing into a nice red tank that spelled out Christmas with Santa and Christmas trees pictures on it. It was only thing festive to wear along with her red shorts.

She knew what she was going to be wearing with the thoughts of you-know-who will be present down there, walking like a moody stallion. Just because of what occurred between them that doesn't mean she has to cover herself with cloaks.

If he can't control himself, that's on him.

Boy, why doesn't she ever listen to herself.

Standing in front of him with the counter between them as the only barrier. He scanned her from head to toe, hungrily.

With Seneca on holiday leave, it was just him and her. Alone but with a difference in the air between them. Something had shifted and Rene couldn't put a finger on it.

"You wear this in front of me. Seems like you are bold enough to make naive mistakes, girl."

Girl. She clenched her hands into fist. Trying not to punch him.

"I thought that was made clear from the beginning." She said hotly.

There was plate of biscuits and a large jug of water on the counter. She plucked the sugar coated cookie Seneca had prepared for them and bit into the sugary goodness.

He stared at her mouth. Her toes curled.

She licked her lips, tasting the frosty delight with her tongue as she took in another bite.

He got up. Her foot crossed one another.

It was Rene's turn to gawk at him. He wore a pale blue v neck t-shirt and his pants were the midnight blue that hung low on his waist. She could see the uncertain but very much present abs that was hinted through the material of his t-shirt.

He stretched out a hand, taking one of the same biscuits. Moving back to sit, he took a big bite. His teeth making a large sound of 'crunch'.

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