18.Sweetly Disciplining

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Rene had been busy reading a new fantasy novel when the lights went out.

"Are you serious?" She got up from the couch, using her mind eye as she made her way to the kitchen.

Her phone was left upstairs and she was all alone because- she huffed in annoyance at that reminder. Sebastian had gone for dinner with that leggy blonde who had come here last night.

She tried to contain her roaring envy but it came out in spurts. She acted out on Seneca right after Sebastian had left. Seneca being a serene lady, asked her calmly why she was so upset.

Thinking of her behavior, Rene hung her head in shame and apologized to her. Seneca simply tapped her back, softly telling her that she understood if she was upset and asked if she could be of service.

Rene couldn't spill the beans so she just said it was nothing and asked her to make her one of those delicious chocolate tarts she loved. Only chocolate could soothe her agony now.

After devouring them, she still didn't feel like going upstairs to grab her phone. She wasn't scared of the dark but she was too tired.

She decided to bring Hades back in, to keep her company. Whistling, she went and opened the screen back door to let the furry creature in.
He was too cute, she thought.

Knowing everything was probably off and having nothing to do, they went together and sat on the sofa. Snuggling silently, she placed her head on Hades fluffy head.

"Hmm.." She sighs out. "I hate feeling like this."

As if understanding her displeasure, he turned and snuggled his snout into her neck. She hugged him back tightly. She closed her eyes, inhaling his doggy shampoo smell which was actually pretty good. When the door clicked open, she stood.

He's back.

Hopefully he came back alone. She didn't think she could do with that lady wrapped around him in this house as well. With her just a down the hall, hearing them moan and scre-

"Rene? Are you there?" His voice echoed.

She croaked out. "I'm here."

When Sebastian came in view, she winced when a glare of light was shone on her. He had switched on his phone's torch. "The lights are gone. Do you have a torch?"

"Yeah." He went back into the kitchen. She could hear him pull out a drawer. When she heard him come back, he handed her the torch.

She flicked it open. Pointing it slightly at him, making sure not to put the flash on his face.
She subtly liked what she saw.

He wore a simple black t-shirt with jeans and yet he looked like he came from a magazine forum. She came to when she heard Hades bark.

"I brought him inside because I didn't want to be alone."

That confession drew his head back.
"I thought you like being alone."

"I do but he is a good dog. Better company than a useless human." She said snakily.

"Right. I forget you are the self proclaimed loner." Was he mocking me?

He moves to keep his keys and wallet on the small table. Placing down his phone on the table too, he shuts the torch off.

The light now shone from the torch in her hand. He sat down on the sofa where she had been initially sitting. Hades moves to his master, snugging into his body while Sebastian gave loving pats.

She must have realized she was still standing so she puts the torch on the table as well, pointing the source of light upwards. It illuminated the room lightly, with shadows of weird furniture on the wall.

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