25.Departedly Leaving

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It was close to New Year's.

The week went by with Sebastian working late every day and he wasn't going to get a free day till the end of the year.

What's worse? Daniel wasn't here so he had to take care for a lot of things. And Daniel had said he would be coming back on New Year's.

Last time he spoke to Daniel, was the day after he touched Rene. The vixen had left him high and dry while she pumped against his hand cravingly. It was his fault in a way. Opening his bloody mouth.

The words she said still bothered him. 'Nothing to be afraid' over my dead body.

She was definitely hiding something. He instantly knew he was the first to make her cum but that wasn't what gave him the clue. It was the way she had reacted to it. Most girls would be blushing from head to toe, and eager to stick around. She didn't.

She ran.


He huffed his breath. The girl is driving him officially insane. Always with the running and those smart-ass last liners.

He was still in his office, working on an audit that was still piled on his head. Dan better come back fast.

Sebastian was just about to shut off his laptop, when his office phone rang. He clicked on the speaker phone button. "Hello?"

"Sebastian." A purr like voice resounded.

His eyes closed. Stephanie.

She has been calling Sebastian non-stop. It's like a curse he had drawn upon himself. Although, he was the one to provoke Rene by doing this silly stunt but now, he couldn't be bothered by Stephanie. She wasn't his type.

He didn't like women who try to change him or fix him. When they went out on the jog, she asked probably ten thousand questions about his life, family and work. The woman didn't shut up. Now, he had to remedy that.

"Yes Stephanie?" Business-like, to make sure she didn't think this was going any where else.

"Are you free-"

"Look Stephanie, I'm busy for these past few days and I don't think I'll be able to make time." He tried not to sound irritated.

"Oh. What about lunch the day-" Jesus, some people can't take a hint.

"No." He said, firmly.

"Alright then. Bye." Rudely, declining the call.

And Sebastian couldn't care less. He was already in the dog house, anyway. His sister was going to call him anytime soon about this. He pinched his forehead with his fingers. Drama.

At times, they were good for the soul. It gives a life function into people's lives. It entertains, thrills and captivates.

Of course, like all- there are disadvantages as well. Drama may bring people together but they do pull apart too. It hurts. It makes you conscious and most worse, it makes you hate.

Sebastian has had a lot of 'drama' in his life. Especially, in his childhood. Now when he is past all that, he avoids unnecessary nonsense. Unfrilly little whimsical natures of people.
But, Rene. Rene.

The back and forth verbal volley ball conversations and to add her, hot and cold behavior was like another cloud of drama he should avoid. Desperately.

Despite himself, he enjoys it so much that he looks forward to it. He likes that she is so haughty with him. It thrills him to his bones.
The way she knows that he looks at her too much, the smirk and arrogant tilt of her face and best of all, when she crumbles.

Like biscuits tit-bits, she crunches him and as he does gobbling up her yet she never once tries to ask him about his life. Never.

Here, he was curious about hers. Trying to know what exactly happened to her. She was mysterious in a way like she already solved her own problems but he wanted to know how. How did she do it, all by herself.

His cell phone rang this time, disturbing his thoughts. He rolled his eyes at the caller.


"Is this how you answer the phone, brother?" A ringing familiar laughter doused him.

"What do you want, Nicole?"  He snapped. Not in the mood for her games today.

"Snippy, are we? Is it because you flew Stephanie away?"

"So what?"

"Obviously not that then. What has got you all hot and bothered?" She mused. "Oooooh..is it the silent brunette busting your chops, you keep thinking about?"

"Hell no!" Too fast, he should have been easy. Damm it.

"My my! This is interesting. Gossip! Gossip! Tell sister Nicole all of it."

"None doing." She was about to interrupt but he cut her. "Not because there is anything to gossip. But simply because."

Sebastian could almost see her pout. "No fair. I hate when you say 'simply because'. It's so frustrating."

"Now tell me why are you actually calling me, 'sister Nicole'?"

She huffed through the phone, immediately regretting that tag. "I called because I have a party on New Years and you are coming."

Immediately straightening, "Nope."

"Yup." The 'p' puffing through the phone.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Nicole, please."

"Sebastian, pleaseeee."

"You are so annoying!"

"You can bring Daniel and Rene, if you like."

That's where Nicole caught him. For fuck's sake, his sister knew him like the back of her hand. He cleared his throat after the unusual pause. "I'll ask them."

"Be sure to." And she hung up.

That's how conversations works with his sister. The irony wasn't lost to him when she snakily remarked his way of answering her. But, that's how they were paired up to be.

He returned home, coming to loud mutterings heard from his kitchen. He frowned, thinking who did Rene bring up to give her company this time. He would kill if he saw that Anderson guy again.

He walked into the kitchen, preparing for the worse.

Only he saw Daniel, standing and laughing at something Seneca must have said. He was nibbling some biscuits and bobbling his head to whatever she was whispering.

"Sebastian!" Upon seeing him, Daniel slapped his hand on Sebastian's back the way he usually does. Daniel was saying something to Sebastian but it trailed off in the background when he saw what was on the counter.

It was the packed duffle bag on the counter. Seneca was packing up some food into tupper-ware boxes. Daniel was still saying something so he tried to listen.

"Thanks a lot for..."

It drowned again into the back when the thudding sound down the staircase making him turn his head to where Rene came into the kitchen, with her coat and in her boots. Hair all tied up with her book bag slung around her shoulder. She was surprised when she saw him there.

It was much worse than he had imagined.

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