10.Devotedly Devouring

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"Anderson..hi! What are you- what did you say?" She stuttered, trying get her mind catch on what was happening right now.

"I said let's go out. Watch a movie or something." He smiled, charmingly.


She spun around only to stop to see Sebastian leaning against the wall.

She couldn't read the expression on his face but he didn't say a word. Since Anderson was right behind her, she didn't want to ask for permission. That would be humiliating. So she grabs her coat and did a wave and shut the door.

Rene didn't even have the time to look up when Anderson's mouth descended upon hers. Her eyes went wide. She shrugged him away after a second.

"What's wrong, darling?" She cringed when he said that.

"Oh nothing. Just a bit of headache."

Wringing her hands together, she tells herself that Sebastian wasn't watching this exchange from the window. So she had nothing to feel suddenly weird about.

When she took a peek, sure enough he was standing there. Looking at her, heatedly.

She gulped, glancing away.

"Nothing I can't fix."

Rene wasn't getting turned on by his attempt at flirting. Her mind was in Sebastian land. She was still thinking what would he had done if the bell hadn't rung.

"Let's go." He said, taking a hold of her hand and moving to the car. But she didn't want to go.

Then the front door opened, showing Sebastian in his glory when he called out at them. "Rene, your father is calling. It's an emergency."

Her mind went in an alarm. What's happened to her dad? Was it her grandfather? She turned to Anderson, telling him. "Listen I have to take this call."

"But I have tickets to the movie which is starting now." He said, impatiently.

"Why don't you go ahead? Rain check? Please?" She gives her best attempt at coddling him. Her eyes went doe-like and like she knew it he gave in.

"But I better get something in return." Yikes.
Not what she wanted but if it makes him leave immediately then yes.

"Alrighty." She winks and jogs back to the house.

"Where's the phone?" She gazes up at Sebastian, who was busy eying Anderson.

When she looked back at Anderson, he was too staring straight at Sebastian. Was this a guy thing?

"Get in." He directed her back into the house.

Once the door was shut, the quietness returned. She started to ask again when he stopped her. "Why didn't you ask me if you could go with him?"

Her brows scrunched up looking confused.

"I'm sorry?" Asking for the phone with dad was now totally forgotten because this was interesting.

"You better be." He moves past her, walking into the living room. He sat down on the sofa, switching on the television.

Rene follows, sitting a bit farther away from him. "I don't understand." She says, honestly.

He doesn't say a word. His hands switches the channels on the tablet.

"Is something wrong?" She got a distant sense that he was angry. Was it at her?

"No." He said, in a clipped tone.

"Then why are you brooding?" She crosses her arms and watching the screen lit up with the basketball channel.

"I'm not." He definitely is.

Now this had her turning on because the scar on his face grew deeper and made him a tad bit malicious.

"Right. About that call.."

She leaves the sentence hanging hoping he could get the hint. But of course, mad sexy baddie Sebastian was so fixed on the screen of the television, he didn't even reply back.

For a grown man, Rene thought, he acted as a spoilt child. Not that it was adorable.

"Leave it alone. Go to your room."
Attempted to not laugh at his pathetic attempt of pretending to be a authoritative figure, she simply crosses her legs and scoots a bit closer to him.

"No." She said, huskily.

And that got Sebastian's attention.

He snapped his wild gaze upon hers, taking in her features.

"You don't want to play with me, Rene." 
He smirked cockily.

He leans in just a bit and sure enough, it got her eyes wide with curiosity and fear. What was she doing?

Seducing him like this? This is clearly calling for unwanted and burden like trouble. She didn't need this but dare she say, she wanted it.

The difference between need and want is a space of a thin line. It's the like the classic needle point that pricks your blood and the drop you want leads to the drainage of your need. The pressure of temptation began to push its way on to her mind, body and now soul. Taking her into that blackness.

Already she has done things she would never do for a man like him. Now, this. This was wicked. This was fiesta sinning.

"Cat got your tongue?"

His hands moves around her, caging her to the sofa. She leans further into the leather surface, trapped by his forearms and his presence.

She couldn't utter a word.

The tongue in her mouth now danced for another. That was pointing to the man above her. Her thighs were pressed against his. It was an uncomfortable position but it was the uncomfortableness was the right tang with neediness.

"When you grow quiet, you start to think. I don't like it when you think." His head angles to the side, studying her form.

She was trying not to tremble and had a horrible way of hiding it.

Finally finding her voice, she blurts out. "Why? I like thinking."

"You shouldn't think when you know what your gut wants you to do." He paused for bit then continued. "You want to know what my gut wants to do?"

She simply just shook her head.

"It wants to devour you." He growls.

His nose brushing the side of her face, he nuzzles down her neck. The rasp of his breath caused the fluttering in her chest. Ache in the core spot of her zones.

"What does your gut tells you?" He pulls back up, with hooded eyes making the scar upon his face look like an animal.

Her eyes were heated, pupil dilated. She breathes out instinctively, "Run."

"You should run. You could get into a lot of trouble." His fingers came up, sliding away the lock of hair behind her ears. He traces it back to her neck, down her throat. Pressing there slightly.

He felt her swallow audibly.

"I never run from situations. I confront them. It's what I do." She says, sincerely. She had been a fighter. Always.

He moved away, getting up. His hands reached back to take off his t-shirt. Revealing the bare skin of his chest.

This was the second viewing of his steel like chest. Hard rock with a trail of hair going down  in the middle of the beautiful letter 'v'.

She bit her lip, sitting up.

His eyes were locked with hers in heated clash.
His hands slowly move down, reaching inside of his sweats. He pulls out his cock. Oh my.

"Confront this then."

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