2.Sincerely Kicking Your Ass

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"So where do I stay? Can't I come with you?" She asked, shoving her clothes into a duffel bag.

Her granddad, Joe Swartz was in a difficult predicament. He had a recent stroke which shook her father but now that he woke up, Daniel wanted to stay with him for while. He made the same mistake with his wife, by letting her go alone to meet her dad only ending up in that tragic accident.

He didn't want history to repeat itself.

"No. You can't. Rene, you have college and besides I know who you will stay with."

"Who? Please not Aunt Liv." She hated Aunt Liv. She was her mother's cousin, who was the first bitch of the order.

"No. She isn't here. She has gone to Russia for her field based research."

"Then who am I- wait are you letting me stay with Alannah? Oh dad, that's the best-" She ran to hug him, thinking it would be the perfect solution.

He clutched her to him, patting her head. "No sweetheart. You are going to stay with Mr.Hill."

She jerked back away from him.
"What ?"

Rene felt the bile in her rise but she tampered it down.

"What? No!" She says sharply.

Her father immediately holds her steadily, studying her expression. "Sweetheart, why are you behaving like this? Has he done anything.."

"No. It's not like that. I just don't want to spend my time away from you with a man I barely know."

"Sweetheart, he is the only man I trust. We have no family here except for your aunt Liv and she isn't here. It's just you and me and the last person I want you to be is all by yourself."

"Dad, you can trust me. Just let me live alone here. I'm sure I can manage by myself. If you just-"

"Sweetheart, do this for your old man. Just do this. I can't keep worrying about you and my dad at the same time. It would give me a mental peace to know that you are safe with him. Like I said, Sebastian is the only man I really trust."

"But you said never to-"

"I know what I said! But dire consequences demands such. Now cmon, pack up your bags. You will move in tonight." He said, leaving her in her room to pack.

Rene stood there, standing like she was abandoned by her father just like her mother had. Yes, taken away from her when she needed her the most.

Now this.

The real reason as to why she reacted so badly, Rene still didn't know. It's not like Mr.Hill is an abuser or anything as such but after today, being alone with him.

She was scared of him in a different sort of way. She felt herself being intrusive and she hated that. She can't afford such trivial curiosity.

As she finished her packing, she moved downstairs. Her dad was waiting for her in the car. Maybe she still had time to talk him out of this.

After throwing in her luggage at the back, she sat down in the front seat and said firmly.

He started the engine, getting the car out of the driveway and moving onto the road, "Yeah, sweetheart?"

She took a deep breath. "Dad, I still think you should send me to Alannah's house."

She heard her dad sigh but still continued, "All I'm saying is I don't know Mr.Hill like you do. It's like living with a complete stranger. I don't trust him."

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