31.Cautiousy Scary

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Dragging on some sweatpants, Sebastian stomps to his front door and whipping it open. Screaming at the unknown stranger for interrupting his pleasant enjoyment.


Nicole stands frozen with her hand ready to make another knock. She blinks. "Happy New year bro."

He grunts out a reply.

Not surprised at his behavior, she reaches out to kiss him on the cheek, and pulls back as she walks in the house. "You smell funny."

"Right. Nothing new."

Nicole stares at him, trying to understand what was going on in his head. He looked unruffled and tired but there was a spark in his eyes which she didn't see for a long time.

"What?" He says irritatedly. Heading over to his kitchen, he puts the coffee beans into the coffee maker.

Folding his arms over his chest, he looks at the machine as he puts it on. Right now, his Rene was soundly asleep in their bed and all he wanted to do was go back to her.

"You are unusually grumpy today." She dumps her handbag on the counter.

"Leave it alone, Nicole."

"Just tell me what's the problem. I'm your sister, for crying out loud!" She says exasperatedly.

His eyes widen and quickly looks up at the ceiling and back down at her. "Lower your voice."

She mimics his own expression and a surprise look appears on her face. "Is that Stephanie up there?"

"What? No."

"Then why did you look up?" Tauntingly, she puts her hand on her hips. "Who are you hiding, brother?"

"Mind your own business." A click sound pulled his attention back to the coffee machine.

Filling in two steaming mugs of black coffee, he hands her a mug. Blowing over her own, she asks him again. "Well?"

"Stop poking." His eyes strained to black liquid with steams coming out of the mug. He needed Nicole gone now.

"I'm not. I just want to know what's going on in your life. And I think you are hiding something from me."

"There is nothing to hide." He runs a hand over his messy hair. He remembers how Rene pulled at his hair when he drove into her, hard and yielding she submitted to him.

"What's the smile? I knew you were hiding something."

Knowing Nicole, she wasn't going to let this go. She would keep yammering and yammering till she gets what she wants.

He closes his eyes in defeat. "Fine, I'm."

"Really?" Hearing her pitched squeal of excitement, she moves closer to him. "Tell me. Tell me."

Treading cautiously, he tells her. "I met someone."

"And?" Her eyes brow bunched in anticipation.

"And I like her. I like her a lot."

"Is she upstairs now? Can I meet her?" Her insistent questions causes a panic in his heart.

"No! No! You can't!" He said defensively. No way was this meeting could happen.

"Why not?" She pouted.

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