19.Casually Manipulating

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Her t-shirt was clenched in his fists. Her body heated by his, she felt the flames of desire wash over her.

He began to, so sweetly, kiss her neck. Taking his time, covering the skin with deliberate wet kisses. She shivered when he came back up, seeing the intent fire in his eyes. He wanted her.

"I could gobble you up."

Her heart was beating like crazy. She was supposed to stop this. She just couldn't remember why. When he spoke stuff like that, her mind didn't allow her to think.

As if knowing she was melting right under his hold, Sebastian lifted her into his arms. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist.

His hands comes immediately down her ass, cupping the globes. Grinding her to his crotch. They both let out a sharp gasp, and began to move sensuously.

With her arms around his neck, she moves to kiss his lips. He hungrily kisses her back, all the while sitting back down on the couch.

Hades made a whine. After seeing no one was paying attention to him, he got up leaving the room.

Rene could feel Sebastian smile against her lips. She roams her hands across his back, moving slowly down his chest. They were both clothed and suddenly felt the urge to remove them fast.

She felt their centers brush, as she straddled him. His jeans marking his raging hard on, as it moved against her. Ooo..Why couldn't she remember what she had initially wished to do?

His kisses were coaxing and dominant. They were distracting her like chocolatey delights.

They made the fluttering of electric heat sizzle all over. She rocked back and forth on his hard on.

He bit her bottom lip, tugging it down. He muttered. "You pain me, Rene."

She clenched onto shoulders harder, the nails digging into the soft fabric. His smell strong and spicy.

She had trouble speaking. Suddenly all the thought flow had stopped, it was empty. Her mind was blank. Only he surrounded her, taking up the space.

Her body however, fueled and was riddled with heavy panting. He grabbed her shirt sleeves, pulling it down. Exposing one shoulder, he bit down.

She moaned loud.

Sebastian was about to expose her other shoulder, the material of the shirt starting to tear when she pushed him away.

That sound made her mind open.

He was just on a date with someone else and he comes here, kissing and touching her like this.
She jerked back, almost collapsing as she moved herself off him.

Sebastian, eye wide and mouth parted, didn't know what was happening. One minute she moaning and dragging her nails down his back and the next she is shoving him away. He was getting tired of her being hot and cold with him.

He ran a hand down his face, clearly turned on and frustrated. He was infuriated with how infatuated he had become with this woman. Living with him, sleeping with her and doing this mouse and cat chase had got him so worked up.

"This shouldn't have happened." She spoke, catching her breath as she arranged her t-shirt back into place.

Feeling out of depth, he still manages to maintain his vigor at not throwing her down on her back and roughly taking her.

He stretched both his arms out on the top back rail of the sofa. His legs wide and his hard on still enlarged. He didn't even bother to hide it.

"What shouldn't have happened?" He said knowingly, trying to get a rise out of her. Wanting her to say the words of what they were just doing or what they were about to do.

His lips still stung with hers. Her scent still stuck on his body. If he had his way, he wouldn't shower at all.

"I'm not falling for that." Her voice quiet yet confident.

This is what he liked about her. Rene wasn't your average text book girl. She had qualities that were attached in the most strategic ways that had him intertwined into knots.

"You don't fall for anything but here you were, moaning and rubbing yourself like a cat in heat on my lap." His grin deepened. Smugly.

"So what if I was?" Her chin up, defending herself. "At least I'm not some asshole coming from a date and then kissing another."

Should have known. Sebastian shook his head.

"I knew you were jealous." This time he smiled, showing all of his pearly teeth.

The fact that she was envious made him feel happy. Now, she'll know how it felt when he saw her with those guys.

"All I'm stating is that you walk out with a date and come in for a kiss. If you think that's what you getting, you are borderline mistaken." He realized how she hadn't denied him either.

The lights were still off. It looked like the transformer blew, seeing that the whole block was out. Rene decides she needs to go back to her room. She moves, going upstairs only to have him follow her up.

She tried to suppress her smile, at the way he also came after her into the bedroom. No! He was just out with another women.

"Stop it!"

Not listening to her, Sebastian reached behind and took off his shirt in one go, sliding his hands down to unbutton his pants.

"Stop what?"  He asked, incredulously.

She looked on as he stepped out of his pants. Clothed in just his black briefs, the bulge still very much present. He jumps onto her bed.

Rene gapes at him in bewilderment.

He candidly glanced up, patting the space next to him.

So this was happening. She was going to sleep with him. Her rationalizing has already taken a sharp u-turn after what happened downstairs, now this. He was driving her crazy!

"Shut that brain of yours and come to bed." His eyes closed, breathing evenly.

His well defined chest rose up and down. The moonlight from the window shone into her room, highlighting his muscles and ridges. He was almost like a dream. Any second, he would disappear.

"Now." His voice prevailing over her to quickly change into her silk pajamas, and carefully slid into bed. Not that she liked him ordering her around.

Sensing her, Sebastian shifts closer, moving his arm around her. Grabbing her to him, so that he could spoon her, restfully and cozily. He breathed in her toxic scent- peaches and musk.

"Are you smelling my hair?"

"Go to sleep." She made a small tsk sound but did as he told.

His eyes slid close before a small peaceful thought passed through him. My Rene.

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