33.Bewilderingly Stewing

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Rene got up the next day. It didn't take a scientist to figure out she drained away in sleep yesterday.

In dazed numbness, she went about her daily routine. Brushed her teeth, went for a hot shower and stuck to one thing she knew would take her away into a made up world.


She kept reading and reading. Fantasy, adventure and lastly sad love stories. The emotion of getting yourself indulged into other people's misery gives quirks that says cruel things about human kinds.

She was in the mood of reading Romeo and Juliet for some fucking reason. After that, she went on a binge reading with all of Nicholas sparks books. Guess what, she cried and cried. What a fucking cliche!

Her dad had given her the right amount of space. Leaving her with yummy chocolate candies and whipped cream with strawberries and other delighted confectionary treats.

Well, dad had his hands full with mom so he knew what he was dealing here. Now, the problem was what did her dad think was actually going on.

She had a vague idea her dad knew something but she wasn't sure what exactly. At times, she got scared thinking he got a wind of what was happening from Nicole. That was a storm she didn't think she had the energy to handle right now.

Speaking of said person, that girl needs to know her brother can fend for himself and understand the consequences he knew he was getting into.

In fact, they both knew which is why they had kept their lust at least in control. Sparingly, but it's a try. They don't need people pointing out mistakes they already know they had made.

Big deal! If you find someone who makes you feel the sun on your skin, it would say take a moment to breathe in it. Bathe yourself in it. The sun will go away one day but that is inevitable.

Like death.

Like life's struggles. Like one day having the courage to tell people things to their faces. Like telling Sebastian, she has fallen in love with him and even though she tried her hardest to make it just about the sex. She just couldn't.

However, she wondered of his feelings. The burst of the emotions was caused due to the pressure and presence of his sister. How could she know that this was just a way to get his sister to shut up. It sure shut up Rene.

So after a two whole days in bed, she went down and showed her stricken face to her dad. At first, he was skittish. Trying to avoid the elephant in the room, he spoke to her about everything.

Literally everything.

How granddad was getting better and how he misses his granddaughter so much. Then, he asked about school and projects even spoke about mum in all one space. Sometimes, he added nonsense like dad things- like giving advice on life and shit.

Taking no more nonsense, Rene decided she needed dive into this topic now.

"Dad." She said in a knowing way.

At first, Daniel froze. He didn't know what to expect. She was targeting him with that look saying 'give it up already, you ain't fooling no one.' Although, his daughter was a smart woman just like his wife, he wasn't ready.

Dealing with your own daughter's heartbreak is scary and if gone wrong, may have serious repercussions down the line.

He didn't know the first thing to say. As a man, you are entitled to know things why a man says and does stuff. But here, he was unhelpful. He may have been a player back then but he never dangled the possibility of something more to some who wasn't 'it' for him. But then, he realized this is parenting. He shouldn't cower and just take the bait.

So solemnly as if a rabbit died, he says.
"Honey. I know what happened."

Rene's eyes immediately narrows. "You do?"

"Yes." He pauses, then continues. "It's that boy, isn't it?"

Her brow furrowed and her jaw became tight. Confusion etched on her face, she asks.

"Anderson." He grunted, regretfully spilling out his name like a curse. He was going to kill that boy the next time he meets him.

"Anderson?" What was her dad talking about? Where does Anderson fit into all this?

Unaware of his daughter's inner turmoil, he goes on in a tragic manner.
"Yeah, Anderson. You were at his house, weren't you? Sebastian told me. He-"

That got her befuddled.
"Wait. What? Sebastian? When did he come?"
Sebastian had come here. When? Why was she getting to know this just now?

"Yeah. He came to find you. He looked a little overwhelmed when he reached here."

He came to find her. What did that mean? Was he upset about this and came to find her to cut ties or what? What? What? The man was already driving her insane even without him being present in front of her.

"What did he say?"

"Well, he told me you spent your night with Anderson. Now look, honey-"

"He said what?" She screeched in fury.

"What-what? He-he said what?" Confused, her own dad stammered trying to comprehend what was going in the complex mind of his daughter.

"He said I was in Anderson's?" She repeated for him.

That pulled his brows in a frown.

Now Daniel was bewildered. "Are you telling me you didn't. Because that's a lie. I know you weren't at Alannah's. I called you right after you left but you must have kept your phone on silent mode. So the sensible thing I did was to call Alannah and who by the way, told me she was still at her hometown. I drew the conclusion when you came home barging in and crying." He took a breath, as if he need it then, went on. "We need to talk about that."


Not listening, he went on his own drone.
"Look, I get that you are a young girl and you have needs-"

Not something she definitely want to talk about with her father. She emphasized. "Dad."

"Now wait a minute. You believe you know the guy but trust me honey, I know men and men aren't sweet like your own dad. Hell, I remember my young days-"


He stopped short.
"Yeah, honey?"

"I wasn't at Anderson's house."

He blinked.
"Then where were you?"

Taking a deep long breath, she says calmly.
"I was at Sebastian's."

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