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In the darkness he awaits his prey

While in his hands there's a silver blade

As oblivious as I was

I stumbled into his deadly embrace

His voice so sweet

His embrace so caress

His hands like deadly needles run down my body

His breathe is warm against my neck

But still, he whispers

Sitting still in the moonlight

A shiny blade, cold hard steel

Sharply pierces my skin

Then he turns toward my face and slices slowly near my lips

But still, he whispers

You are my masterpiece

A small kiss upon the forehead

A stab near the heart

Urging me to scream out in pain

With a last look, a smile spreads across his face

He sings a song and leaves me in pure darkness

Once a scream, now a hideous smile

A smile of pain, a smile so deep and wide

A smile from ear to ear

Despite that last tear

My name is Harley

I am his masterpiece

My name is Harley

Do you think I smile so pretty??


My poems of Dark, Depression, and AnorexiaWhere stories live. Discover now