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Entering the facade

That held a parade

With each person having a horrifying face,

There bodies wrapped in the devils lace,

She didn't fit well,

She wasn't their kind to play with,

Under this hood she hide under,

Was a girl with a secret no one knew about,

They tried to push her away,

Little by little

But she was haunted enough that she didn't mind

The hood kept her hidden,

All her emotions forbidden,

She wasn't as beautiful,

She didn't have much potential,

She wasn't the perfect kid

But she held into one thing,

One wish,

That people would never want to indulge in,

She was forever a loner,

Not letting people get closer

She she no longer wanted to mask the smile

Beneath which she cried

Broken, shattered, she broken the remaining bars,

Yet she hide beneath she lonely scars


My poems of Dark, Depression, and AnorexiaWhere stories live. Discover now