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There's this girl,

That says nothing but lies,

She's wishing only that she can die,

Every second of the day,

She takes the razor blade,

Slicing it through her pale skin,

Waiting till the tides take her into the oceans din,

Her sanity, broken, and lying on the floor,

As she lays hopelessly against the door,

She slowly takes the blade into her fist,

And slits her wrists,

Every drop of blood falling loosely to the ground,

She takes her time to say her last prayers,

And then she takes the razor to cut the last of the layers,

To hit a vein,

And sits alone in the rain,

She listens to the demons,

As they tell her it's almost over,

She looks at the ceiling,

And smiles,

As everything around her begins to disappear,

Every second of her day,

Slowly begins to go away,

As her life spans begins to wither,

And she drops the blade to the floor,

Her head slumps against her chest,

She begins to fall into a deep sleep,

As the water of death takes her into the deep sea,

Feeling the pain that stings like a bee,

But now feeling nothingness,

Only joy and happiness,

As her life ends now


My poems of Dark, Depression, and AnorexiaWhere stories live. Discover now