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I know I've been gone for a long time and I'm so sorry for that!!!

I've been busy with a lot of schoolwork and now with the pandemic happening, I didn't find time to update.

Please forgive me!!! I will try my best from now on to update weekly if I can.

Please stay safe and stay inside!!!

Natsu followed the woman into a denser part of the forest. He wanted to train with Reina but that didn't stop the uneasiness he felt from not being able to see Lucy and the rest.

"Natsu, show me what you can do," Reina said, facing him. The two had stopped in a part of the forest where no one would be able to spot them easily.

"Well, I can't do much. All I can really do is the roar and mask myself with my chaos." Natsu replied.

Reina sighed and ran her fingers through her black hair.

"You're barely using your magic. It can do so much more than that." The dragon crossed her arms, deep in thought.

After a moment of silence, she spoke up.

"Do you want to learn how to control your magic?"

Natsu nodded luring out a smile from Reina.

"Nobody knew what type of magic Acnologia had. Not even me. All we knew was that he could consume most or all elements of magic so the only person who can really teach you is Acnologia. All I can really do is help you control it and find another use for your magic."

"Please teach me," Natsu replied with his arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face.

"Alright then! First, we need to learn to control your chaos and then the fun part begins." Reina said, smiling radiantly.

The duo stayed there meditating until the sun had fallen. Reina agreed to stay with them for the time being and followed Natsu back to their home.

"Natsu! Reina! You're right on time for dinner!" Lucy called out as she heard them approaching.

The two joined the group at the table as Wendy brought the food to the table.

"It's a homemade hotpot tonight! All vegetarian. I hope you don't mind Reina." Wendy said as she sat down between Lucy and Carla.

"Not at all! Being vegetarian for a while would be a new experience!" The dragon replied happily.

"So what did you guys do while we were gone?" Natsu asked.

"We sparred. It was a close match but Lucy and I won!" Happy cheered happily.

"It was quite refreshing to have a friendly match like that," Lucy said with a little smile.

"What are you working on Nii-Chan?" Wendy asked.

"We're meditating first," Natsu replied.

"Perfect! We can meditate after we're all done showering then." Lucy suggested.

"Is that okay with you Reina?" Reina nodded and the group cheered happily.

They finished their dinner and cleaned up before heading down to the river.

"Reina, how old are you?" Lucy asked.

"I'm almost 21. Although, I'm much older in dragon years and what about you three?"

"I'm 14! Lucy is 17!" Wendy replied.

"Exceeds don't really care for their age so Happy and I don't have an age," Carla stated as she dried off.

Chaos and His FlamesWhere stories live. Discover now