Zeref and Mavis

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"So tell me, what's this grand plan of yours?"

Zeref turns his back to Mavis as he walks to a chair. Mavis follows behind him, making sure there's distance between them.

She quickly took this chance to conjure a knife, this time it wasn't an illusion. She toon the time to learn how to conjure this one knife that she had received from Wendy. Wendy has originally gotten it from Grandeeney because it was a blessed dagger, able to perish all evil and help heal people.

And while the sound of people fighting could be heard outside, the room was deathly silent.

"Do you remember when we first met Zeref?" Mavis stands in front of him again, not looking quite ready for a fight.

"Of course I do. How could I forget someone seeing me in nude against my consent." He chuckles as he sits down in his chair.

The scene was still fresh in his mind. The image of a little girl, quite adorable too, walking in on him taking a bath in the river.

She had covered her eyes as soon as she saw him which made him want to laugh.

'Get out of this forest.' was what he told her at that time and yet she refused to do so. She even used her magic to bring comfort to him.

That Mavis seemed like it was from so long ago and yet he could still remember her so clearly.

All their many interactions because of her curiousity of magic.

She was the only one who wasn't afraid of him. At least she didn't show that she was. But he believed that Mavis had seen him for who he was, not just as the 'black wizard'. Just Zeref.

The look in her eyes had been different from that of her teammates'. It had been different from what it looked like now.

Now her eyes looked like everyone else's.

It didn't look like the caring eyes she had when they first met or when she had asked him to teach her and her friends magic. It wasn't the same ones when she thanked him for teaching her magic.

The look in her eyes had remained the same even when she had gotten the curse and told him that they would live together forever.

He had been foolish to think that they would remain that way after he killed her.

Of course he learned his lesson after that. He couldn't love anyone no matter what.

"I was supposed to use fairy law to finish you off... It would've worked if I put my all into it." Mavis looked at him with determination in her eyes.

"Don't be stupid, you know you won't be able to get rid of me that easily."

Zeref turned around with a smirk on his face, only to have it disappear. He watched her walk towards him cautiously, trying to predict her next moves.

Her eyes couldn't be seen as her hair covered it and she swayed ever so lightly.

Mavis moved swiftly. She picked up her pace- charging at him.

The hand behind her back went up. As she brought it down, Zeref barely managed to grab her arm.

Mavis pulled back.

She had been able to scrape him slightly.

"You've got guts Mavis. No one has ever wanted to approach me like that before."

"Neither did I. But it's what has to be done."

She charged again.

And he dodged again.

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