The End of the Battle

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Fairy Tail soon head the news that the Spriggan 12 disbanded after losing Zeref. Nobody knows where the members went but it was guaranteed that they wouldn't be a threat anymore.

With that said, everyone involved in the mission received a hefty 1 million berries each for being able to take down Zeref and 2 weeks worth of rest.

Natsu and Lucy spent this time cooped up in Lucy's apartment while Wendy went to Erza's apartment to let them get alone time.

The dragons had left a few days after the battle along with Mest who wanted to continue training.

And so everyone's life went back to normal.

Until it wasn't...

The 2 weeks had gone by for Lucy quickly, being with Natsu made her lose track of time. Now there was only one day left until they had to go back to working again.

Natsu had left yesterday morning because Wendy needed to come back to the apartment.

"Lucy! There's a new bakery open! Let's go try it out!" Wendy had said to her first thing in the morning.

So the two along with Happy and Carla went to the new bakery down the road.

That was when Lucy had noticed something strange.

"Doesn't it seem a little too quiet to you Wendy?" She asked her.

Wendy looked up at her in confusion," What do you mean? It doesn't seem that quiet."

Lucy looked around the area with squinted eyes.

"I'm not sure... But I just feel like I'm being watched."

"Lucy are you sure you're not just going crazy from old age?" Happy snickered.

"How rude! Everybody knows to not comment on a woman's age." Carla sighed with her hands on her hips.

Wendy laughed, turning to Lucy," I'm sure you're just imagining things Lucy. Everything seems perfectly normal to me."

The two turned a corner, bumping into the back of a stranger.

"Oi! Watch it! Don't try budging me or you'll get it!" The man huffed.

Lucy and Wendy gave each other puzzled looks before peering ahead of him, seeing a line of people waiting outside of the bakery.

"I wonder what's taking them so long." Wendy sighed, leaning back on the wall of a store.

"I'm sure they're busy. They just opened the store so everyone wants to try it."

"Hey Lucy, we just got an urgent call from Rina. She needs us to go right now." Happy exclaimed before flying off into a portal.

Happy and Carla were now part of a council for the exceeds, they helped with human communications and everything relating to Earthland. Instead of leaving with the rest of the dragons, Happy and Carla decided to stay on Earthland with the guild so Rina gave them a magic ball to communicate with them.

"You think anything happened?" Lucy asked to which Wendy shook her head.

"The exceeds are probably just having issues setting up a new council." Wendy replied.

Lucy nodded in agreement before a flash of red and blue hair caught her eye.

"Hey isn't that Levy and Erza?"

Wendy gave her a confused look," It can't be, Erza left for a mission and Levy is spending the day with Gajeel."

"Oh, I must be imagining things."

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