Mission Complete

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We went to our hirer, which was a three-day walk, and I did the talking while Natsu glared at the man. Seriously, why did he come if he was going to be mister grumpy?

"So what do you want us to do, sir?" Happy flew to my lap and rested against me, he sat there making snide comments, which I responded with giving him a small pinch to his ear. Happy learned to not make them loud enough for the normal hearing to pick up. After hearing what needed to be done we left the man's 'home' to get the job done.

Time skip

I stood glaring at the repulsive man. He was short and stubby with a face to match. After I had gotten the book and ran out of the library I read the whole thing.

How can a man do such a thing to a family? He is despicable.

"What secrets are hidden in that book? I have read that book cover to cover." The man Everlue states. "Don't sass your response as you have been."

I flinched at his harsh voice that sounded a bit too much like my fathers. I snapped out of it I was quick to attack and throw a Fire Dragon Iron Fist. The ugly man just dove under the cement and stones.

I was angered. Who does this man think he is? To force a man in prison and make him write this cruddy cover of a masterpiece. He took an amazing author and forced him to write this covered book and away from his family.

Suddenly gaining an idea on how to beat this guy. I threw many of my fire attacks making him have to keep into the cement and stones.

I felt the area around me getting hot and dry. I smirked.

"HOT! Boyoyoyo! You bitch! I call upon the spirit of the Virgin, Virgo, come to my aid." Soon I saw a pink haired gorilla-like woman from before. She looked to be in pain. "Try to get me now."

I remember my mother being a celestial spirit mage, two years ago I had found her keys and I have sworn myself to get all the zodiac just like my mother had wanted to. I have them stored in a magic space like a Requip mage would be able to do, so I can gain as many as I could, I just need to get Virgo so she could be safe.

I saw Natsu taking care of Virgo so I was quick to take care of Evergrease. It was a quick win since I just punched him with Fire Dragon Fist to a private place. Happy tied him up in magic canceling ropes when I forced the fire to melt the upper half of his body.

I saw Natsu with his black hands about to slam on Virgo. "Wait!" I said in a desperate voice. Natsu glared but looked at me anyway. "I need you to leave her be. I think I know how to help her."

He was glaring at me but I was getting very angry about him wanting to kill her. I saw he looked as if he ate some delicious flames... or food. He backed away and let me near her. My anger still very high, the closer I got the more Natsu looked as if he was in heaven.

I moved to be at Virgo's side and made a praying motion and focused on certain energy I felt from her. I figured since my mom was a celestial mage I could be able to use the same magic. Soon her body returned to look like a teenage girl like me. Her eyes opened to see me over her.

"Mistress..please, let me give you power." I was about to protest, but I saw a golden glow come off her and to me. For a moment my outfit changed to a different maids uniform, and strange magic flowing into me. I tried to fight it but I lost since my body sucked it all up greedily.

"Thank you, Virgo," I said in a kind and soft tone. "May you rest until you are called upon the next Celestial Mage."


An echoey voice states. I look to see Virgo smiling happily as she disappeared in a cloud of golden dust. I soon fell backward from lack of magic. Happy was quick to come to my fallen form on the ground. "Lushy! That was awesome!"

I felt him feeling my arms and face for injuries. Smiling I pet his head in a motherly way. The way my mother had done for me. I saw Natsu looking at me with a stupid sadistic grin on his face. "Natsu? Are you okay?" He only nodded as he grabbed Everlue and dragged him out to prison. I explained what had transpired and told them that it was our mission to take.

After Kaby yelled at me I flinched and showed him the truth of the book. It was a letter to Kaby and his family. Kaby was so touched that he begged us to let him repay us somehow. We ignored his pleas and walked away.

It was another three days to get back to Magnolia, but when we did everyone was happy to see us back. Or that's what I thought.

"I'm glad you're back in one piece Lucy!" Everyone said once Natsu and Happy went upstairs. I sighed. Stupid traitors.

It was quiet except for Lisanna talking to Natsu as I gave everyone a recount of how the mission had gone. "I didn't even ask him if he wanted to come, he just came."

"WHAT?" Everyone screamed. I held my hands over my ears in pain. A growl was heard as well as a person being thrown from something high. Seeing it was Lisanna I was the quickest to react and I caught her easily.

"Natsu you should know better than to throw people when you're annoyed or something. It's one thing if you are in a battle, but not your comrades," Master scolded gently. Happy flew behind my long hair again and hid. Lisanna stared at me as she shoved me after she got out of my hold.

She gave a shaky smile and walked towards her sister and brother. I sighed and placed a hand on my forehead in annoyance. "Natsu why did you throw her?" I got no answer. "Please tell me before I get mad."

The thought of me getting mad seemed to make him excited as he was lightly smirking. "Do it, Cinnamon Roll."

I felt the anger coming, but I forced myself to act civilly. I walked over to Natsu-Happy leaving towards the ceiling-and gave him a scolding glare, my fist came up and I made a  flaming ball with my fire. "Tell me or so help me, your hair will pay the price."

He reached for his hair tugging it in my direction mockingly. Being fed up with him I threw the ball at him, causing his shirt( if you could call it a shirt) to burn. Natsu's eyes grew wide and suddenly I was on the floor with him on my hips. "You dare challenge me, woman."

"I wouldn't have if you didn't push my buttons," I hissed. His hand shot out and pressed my boobs in.

"Pressing~," he purred as he kept pressing his finger into my boobs. "Your buttons."

"G-get off me," I stuttered with a blush.

I hadn't noticed it, but the guild was silent and I couldn't see anyone. Did everyone leave?

"No, I made a barrier so no one can hear us and we can't see them." He kept pressing my boobs as if he was slightly fascinated at the attention he was giving them. "White baby was in my bubble again."

Figuring he meant Lisanna I sighed and tried to move his hands again. "Doesn't mean you can throw her. Would you stop?"

He shook his head and got up, "if anyone else touches you like that, I am going to kill them. That I promise you." He walked a few steps away for a moment before stopping. "See you, Cinnamon Roll."

"Bipolar much." 

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