Wendy's New Magic

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Hey, guys sorry for not posting recently! I've been going through some depressing things and I recently had a break up so I just wanted to spend time to myself. I hope you guys can understand and enjoy this chapter!

Question of the day: What is your religion?

My religion is shamanism.

Please comment yours!!!

The sun slowly crept up on the girl as she slept soundly on her bed. The rays poked through the branches and covered her face in a golden glow.

"Wendy! Wake up!" The small girl heard a voice call out.

"Five more minutes." She replied as she waved the person off.

"That's what you've been saying for the past 20 minutes! Get up!" Wendy felt little paws shake her up and down, jolting her awake.

"I'm up Carla! I'll be there in a bit!" The girl said as she put her hands up in defeat.

The little cat gave a little 'hmph' but flew out of Wendy's room after watching her get out of bed.

Wendy swapped her nightgown with a pair of black leggings that reached her thighs and a simple white shirt with a blue plaid cardigan. She went out of her room barefoot and used the bridges to her advantage.

It had already been two weeks since they had first started training. They were all doing their own schedule but Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, and the exceeds always had their three meals together and spent their free time together.

In the morning after eating and getting ready for the day, Wendy would start with the obstacle course as a way of stretching out her limbs. Next, she would do physical training and weapon training although she wasn't sure which weapon she wanted to use. Each course usually took up to 2 hours or more. After eating lunch, she would train with her magic and do some gymnastics for the rest of the day.

Natsu would start with some acrobatics in the trees then move to the obstacle course which each took 3 hours. After lunch, he would go to physical training, magic training, and weapon training with his scythe that he had purchased for the rest of the day until the break. He didn't really do them in any specific pattern but it always consisted of those training in the morning and afternoon.

Lucy was quite different. She crammed every training except physical training in the morning. Then in the afternoon she completely focused on physical training and nothing else.

When Wendy had changed out of her clothes into her training jumper, she could see that the other two already started. In this period of time, they never talked to each other since everyone was so absorbed into their own training. Even Happy and Carla disappeared after saying that they too had to go train.

Wendy lined up at the starting line of the obstacle course and looked determinedly at the things ahead of her. The girl raced off as she heard the timer that was counting down from 10 go off.

Wendy reached the giant 8ft wall that had three ropes attached from top to bottom. She grabbed one and started climbing up until she reached the top then climbed down on the opposite side and sprinted towards the monkey bars. They were about a foot or two apart and Wendy had to swing forward to grasp the next one. After that, Wendy soldier crawled through mud, did hurdles over obstacles that were 3 feet tall, and dodged some booby traps.

She did 4 more rounds and finally moved on to her physical training. She could now lift more than 50 lbs and her combat skills matched with Lucy's.

Wendy lifted weights and worked out for an hour before she finally started some combat training using the dummies they had bought.

After that, Wendy went to the weapons and pondered over them. Today she decided to practice with arrows instead.

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