Going Home

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When Lucy and Erza had gotten to the floor where Gajeel was supposed to be it had been turned to ruins and Gajeel along with the big cat was nowhere to be found.

"Where do you think they went?" Lucy asked Erza.

"Gajeel probably evacuated and took the cat with him." The redhead replied as she analyzed the place.

"What if the cat took him as a prisoner?" Erza shook her head.

"Gajeel is strong. He would have definitely beaten the cat without fail. I have faith in him." Erza said firmly.

"Then should we move to phase 2?" Erza nodded and ran down the next flight of stairs.

"Erza! Lucy!" Two voices exclaimed from outside of the window.

The two girls looked over and saw blue and white. Happy and Carla had come.

"Where have you guys been?! And where's Camille?" Lucy asked with a smile as she hugged Happy.

"Camille helped bring Gajeel to the plaza and start a fight with the soldiers! We came to help you two get there quicker!" Carla explained before picking Erza up.

Happy quickly flew out of Lucy's hug and picked her up as well.

"I see them!" Lucy exclaimed while pointing to Gajeel and Camille who was in her human form.

She looked like a younger version of Carla but with long, gray hair and yellow eyes.

"Drop us!" Erza shouted to the two exceeds who let go without a second thought.

They had to have faith in the two or else this plan would all be for nothing. Erza and Lucy dropped like 2 bombs and immediately began attacking soldiers left and right. Happy and Carla joined in not a second later in their human forms.

Carla was able to power magic through her physical punches and kicks which made them stronger. Happy could conjure up to any 5 animals he wanted that would completely obey him. Camille just depended on her agility, speed, and daggers that she had.

From the corner of her eye Lucy could spot spots of pink, black, and blue going into the castle. She smiled, the plan was working and more soldiers were piling up.

If all goes as planned they could go home soon.

"The ice cream is melting!" Lucy yelled at the top of her lungs.

They all agreed that one of them would say that if they verified that the other group got to the castle.

"Buy a new one!" Erza shouted back as the three made eye contact.

They used bodies of knocked out soldiers to make a pile and proceeded to climb on top of them and get to the roofs of the houses where they would make a run for it and try to lead the remaining soldiers away from the castle.

They could've climbed up there easily but this way the other soldiers would've been angry enough at the disrespect to chase them.

The group suddenly heard a loud roar and turned around to see a creature in the sky. It soared toward them with a redhead on its back. Erza.

"You two go! I'll divert the ugly creature!" Erza leapt up towards the edolas Erza.

Carla grabbed onto her and dropped her onto the back where she greeted the other Erza.

The two redheads looked at each other with utter disgust before lunging at the other.

Inside the castle, in the basement where the machine should have been was a pile of metal junk.

Juvia drowned it with water before gray froze it and had Natsu strike it along with his other 2 shadow dragons. Wendy was the look out and the scout.

"Nii- San! Theres a big thing over there!" Wendy shouted as she came running back to the group.

"What do you mean?" Natsu asked with a confused expression.

"Let's go look. I don't think she'll describe it any better than that." Gray joked.

Wendy lead the three of them towards a structure in the shape of a creature. It looked like a robotic dragon.

"Should we destroy this too?" Juvia asked as she examined it.

"We should. It looks dangerous." Gray nodded with a worried expression.

"Leave it to me! Wendy make sure no one hears!" Wendy nodded and wrapped them into an air bubble.

From the outside no one would be able to hear them.

"Shadow dragons." Natsu chanted and 2 of his shadow dragons appeared, bigger than before. They depended on the dark and this place was filled with dark spaces so they could become bigger.

He paired himself with claws and lunged at the contraption with his 2 dragons in tow. They easily tore up the robot dragon within minutes before the fire started getting to them.

"We have to go!" Gray shouted at the group.

Wendy nodded and surrounded them in air. Together they walked out with Wendy's air domain surrounding them so that if smoke came their way they wouldn't be affected.

The group ran out and towards the alleys where they kept onto the roofs to meet up with Jellal. He was freeing their guild members and they had to be there to help Jellal look trustworthy.

It was near the plaza where remains of a battle slept. Luckily most of the guards were gone and the group knocked them unconscious before they could react.

"Jellal can you free them?!" Natsu yelled as he spotted the blue haired mage.

"Yeah! I'm working on it!" Jellal hurried to the big blue stone of guild members and cast a spell on it.

The group looked at the stone hopefully and watched it fade away as it revealed their guild members all unconscious.

Once everything had been melted, they all woke up slowly one by one and looked around before spotting the group of mages in front of them.

The group did their best to explain edolas and what was happening, everything was a blur as the story of what happened came out.

"Incoming!" A voice yelled and the group of guild members looked up.

The two Erzas come crashing down, both completely drained of magic. Earth land Erza gave the shout and the guild members caught her with a quick makeshift sheet.

"You thugs! Guards arrest them!" The king's voice commanded.

He had finally gained his composure and came out of his hiding place to arrest the group.

Before he could do anything else, Camille sweeped him up and brought him to Gajeel and Lucy who were arriving with soldiers at their heels.

"We have your king! Stop or he will die!" Lucy exclaimed as Camilled dropped the king into Gajeel's arms.

Lucy took Camille's dagger and put it to his throat.

"Anyone who takes another step forward will be sentencing him to death." Lucy declared.

Everyone quieted down with panicked looks before Jellal came flying at the two. He kneed Gajeel in the face, not particularly hard, and made a show of saving the king before acting like he defeated Lucy and Gajeel.

The people cheered as Jellal gave the Fairy Tail members a smile. They were already disappearing and going back into their own world. The world they belonged in.

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